Chapter 2

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Ze's P.O.V Dan missing N/A
When I woke up the next day to get ready for college I saw my scars. Don't get me wrong there not self harm scars there scars from people who I killed. For some odd reason I love to kill I don't know why I just do. I stepped in to the shower and ran the water. I remember when Jordan asked me for help back when we were just friends he had a wife, Monica I think it was a shame what happened to her. Jordan was devastated he wouldn't eat or do anything that's when he wanted revenge and asked for me to help. Of course I did I just wanted to help a friend right? I quickly shut off the water and dried my self. "Kevin needs to get up or he's going to miss the bus." I said to my self putting on a shirt that I found on the ground. Poor Kevin he's 18 but he never finished high school before we asked him to join so he's doing that. I ran down stairs Jordan and Dan where already awake.
"Morning Ze how did you sleep?"Jordan asked me handing me a bowl and a spoon. "It was alright." I told him grabbing my cereal and sitting down at the table. "Have you seen Kevin he's going to be late?" I asked Jordan and Dan finishing my bite of cereal. " No Aleks is waking him up last I heard about him." Dan said sitting down next to Jordan. I finished my bowl of cereal when Kevin came down. "Hey." Was all he said when he grabbed his food from the counter. "God I hate high school." Said sitting down where I was just sitting. "You think you have it bad I have college I pay to go to school." I joked with him getting ready to head to the campus. "Yeah remind me not to do college." Kevin sighed falling asleep on the table. "Well I'm going to go I got my earpiece in case anything happens." I said heading out the door. " okay see you later." Dan said when I shit the door.
I headed to the public bus stop it was cold for some reason so I was shivering. "What the fuck I'm Canadian I should be use to this." I joked to my self. When I got to the bus stop there was a young man there. "Good morning how are you?" He asked me when I sat down on the bench. "Cold and I don't want to go this early." I told him. "Oh."was all he said. He just sat there flipping his newspaper. "Names Steven what about yours?" I asked him extending my hand out to shake his. He didn't respond to it. I wrote on my bare hand. "Make note of silence of man at bus stop" I wrote on my hand. Just then the bus pulled up I hoped on and received a message from Kevin. "Going to school shutting off my mic."he said in to my earpiece. I laughed a little he always does that.

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