Chapter 6- The Election

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Chapter 6-

A week has passed since the debate and in that time the looming election took second priority to everyone. Potato and Jack were still missing and finding them was everyone's first priority. Well everyone. Echo knew that he needed to keep focus on the election without looking too suspicious to everyone else. As the day finally arrived Echo made the announcement that the ballot boxes were open in city hall and that everyone was to vote today, no exceptions. Nugget tried to plead with him to wait until they found her lost friend, but Echo denied her request.

From his mansion Echo watched as the villagers lined up to vote with Til and Magic keeping everything in order. As this was going on Echo noticed that Lucky, Helium, and Nugget were still out around the northern side of the village looking for their friends. Echo decided to sneak back towards the portal he had been at a week ago. Once he arrived, he saw that everything was just as he left it. The black glass now laid gold and the purple flame still extinguished. Echo wondered what was or had happened to Potato and Jack but knew that activating the portal now would be foolish and could undo everything he had planned. If he wanted to find out he would need to wait, wait for his plan to finish before ruining it all with curiosity.

The nether was nothing like Potato had imagined when she spoke to Lucky about it. It was visually amazing, but that didn't matter to Potato as she was being baked alive. The temperature in the Nether was hotter than anything she had ever felt back in the over world, and she knew if she couldn't find a way to cool down soon Jack and her wouldn't last much longer. Potato wasn't even sure how long they had been in the Nether, but she knew that she needed to find food and water quickly or they wouldn't matter. After what felt like a few days she came across what could only be described as pig people. Luckily for her the Piglins didn't notice or didn't care about her. While she observed them, she watched them hunt down a massive beast that looked like a pig that had grown ten times that of a normal one. After the Piglins killed it and took some of its meat Potato like a scavenger took what was left and brought it back for her and Jack to eat. At first Jack protested, but after a few hours he came around. His wound was still a concern for Potato, but in their current situation there wasn't much she could do but try to keep them alive long enough for someone to find them.

"Echo! What are you doing?" Someone yelled, catching Echo's attention.

Echo turned to see Lucky and Nugget running towards him. "Nothing just getting some fresh air" Echo said in response to Lucky's question.

"Why aren't you out looking for Potato and Jack?" Nugget immediately asked him. Lucky tried to hold her back and calm her down, but Nugget pushed past him and went to question him again when Echo said "for the last time it is not my responsibility to keep track of those two. Like I said the other day they went on an adventure and got lost. They'll find their way back soon. Helium did" with that Echo walked away from the pair and made his way towards city hall with Nugget right behind him and Lucky behind her trying to calm her down.

"They have been gone for over a week and you don't even care! I know you had something to do with this and if you don't tell me know I swear I will- "Nugget was stopped when Echo turned around and shouted "how dare you accuse me of such a thing? You must have a mountain of evidence to accuse the sitting mayor of something so heinous. So where is it? Where is your evidence that I had anything to do with your friends' disappearance?"

Echo waited for a second as Nugget stuttered and then said "exactly you have none! So do everyone a big favor and shut your fat fucking mouth before I shut it for you." Nugget and Lucky stopped in their tracks and let Echo walk into the city hall. "I told you not to say that" Lucky told his friend, "I know, but I know he had something to do with it and I am going to prove it."

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