Chapter 7- Festival of Revelations

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Lucky didn't know what to do, his whole world had just been flipped upside down. Again. He didn't want to believe that Echo had that sword, but he knew Nugget well enough to know that she wouldn't lie about anything much less that, and the more and more he thought about it the more he realized he didn't know Echo at all. Echo had always been quiet and reserved for all these years. How was Lucky just now noticing this? He felt as though his brain was about to explode when he heard a knock on his door. He felt fear and confusion as he went to open his door, not many people came to visit him especially at this hour, but somebody was here now and all he could do was open the door and hope for the best. As he opened the door, he was relieved to see that it was just Helium. Helium made his way inside and turned to Lucky and asked "what is going on with you? Ever since you saw that sword you have been acting weird" before Helium could continue Lucky put up his hand and motioned for Helium to sit down.

Lucky turned to his friend and said "I never told you about the day I came here because I thought it was all just a bad dream, but seeing that sword made me realize that everything that happened to me all those years ago wasn't a dream, it was real. The day I came here my family, and I were in this open field filled with blue trees when I saw this purple light coming from a nearby cave. When I went to investigate it all I could hear was my mother screaming in pain. I turned around and saw him. The man in blue. This man wore armor made from the same material as the one that sword is made of. He cut down my mother with that sword. Before I could see anything else or even help my family I was pushed into the portal and was here."

Helium couldn't believe this. He never thought that something like this could happen to Lucky. Lucky had always been a happy creature, for something like this to happen to his best friend and he didn't know about it. How could Helium even call himself Lucky's friend? The two of them just looked at each other in silence until Lucky asked "what are we going to do?"

"What can we do?" Helium said in response. Everything Echo had done up until that point had been legal and he knew it. Echo had covered all his tracks and made sure that there were no loose ends, the whole situation felt hopeless. Helium and Lucky spent the whole night trying to come up with a plan to stop Echo, they talked for so long that they didn't even realize that the sun had risen. The two of them continued to talk until they heard someone enter Lucky's house, the two of them looked up to see Nugget enter the house and say, "guys Echo is making an announcement."

"Don't you knock? This isn't your house Nugget" Helium said to his cousin. Nugget nodded her head in agreement and said "sorry" to Lucky. Lucky just got up and said "we have bigger issues to deal with. What is Echo's announcement?"

"I don't know. He just told me to get everyone down to the mansion so he could make it. I don't think it's anything serious, but we should still go just to make sure" Nugget said. Helium and Lucky looked at each other and nodded in agreement and the three of them made their way down the mountain and towards Center Point. As he walked Lucky couldn't help but feel uneasy as he saw Echo appear on his balcony, he didn't see his friend anymore he only saw the monster that attacked his family all those years ago, but he couldn't forget all the memories the two of them had created over the years. He felt conflicted, but before he could think of those feelings Echo said "do I have everyone's attention? Good. Tonight, in honor of our recent election we will be holding a festival here in town. We will have games and a dueling tournament for all who want to attend and take part. This festival will mark the beginning of a new era here in Center Point. An era of peace and prosperity that can only be accomplished by those who you the citizens chose to represent you. I promise that from this moment on I would do everything in my new powers to help make all of your lives better regardless of if you voted for me or not. I want to unite our divided city and push it forward for the next generation. With that I leave you all to do whatever you want until the festival at sundown. I hope you all have a great day!"

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