Chapter 8- The Duel

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Chapter 8- The Duel for Center Point

Helium watched as Echo toyed with Lucky, dodging every single swing Lucky managed to make, but Echo was too quick and could read Lucky like an open book. Lucky had been in Center Point for about a month at this point and Helium and Echo had decided to train him in combat, but they found that it was easier said than done, Lucky didn't even know what a sword was when they showed him. After a major overswing by Lucky, Echo tripped him and struck his chest lightly with his wooden sword and said "and you're dead. Again."

Lucky sighed in exhaustion he was really trying, but fighting didn't come as easily to him as the rest. Echo helped Lucky up and said, "go sit over there and watch me and Til fight" Lucky made his way towards the hill where Helium and Til sat and tossed his sword to Til and said, "good luck." Til smiled at the ghast and said "thanks" and made his way towards the awaiting Echo.

Lucky watched Echo and Til both take stances that seemed to be the opposite of each other. Til had his shield raised and sword at the ready while Echo had his sword and shield at his hips simply waiting for Til to make the first move. Helium leaned towards Lucky and said "watch Til. He is the style you should try to master. Echo's is not something you or him should be doing" Lucky looked at Helium with a questioning look and asked "why? Echo is a good fighter. Isn't he?"

Helium laughed and said "yeah, he is, but the issue with his stance and style is that it is based on speed and the ability to read your opponent. If your opponent is faster than you or is good at hiding, their moves Echo would lose every time. He is only good when he faces opponents he knows, but if he didn't know his opponent there is no way he would be as good as you think he is."

With this in mind Lucky watches as Echo took simple steps that seemed to be in advance of an attack that hadn't happened yet, but when Til went for a strike Echo was at the perfect spot to block and give a quick strike in retaliation. Lucky started to see what Helium was talking about. Echo would make moves that were clearly in advance for what Til would do next. Til, knowing what Echo was doing, decided that now was the time to try out a new move instead of going for a swing at Echo's chest like he usually would do, Til put his shield against his shoulder and rammed Echo with all the force he could muster. Echo and Til both fell to the ground, Echo was stunned at what had just happened while Til was already on his feet and ready to strike the helpless Echo. As Til raised his sword to strike him Echo kicked Til's knee out from under him and raised his knee striking Til in the face this time. As Til laid on the ground stunned by what had just happened Echo climbed to the top of him and began to strike him repeatedly in the face over and over. Eventually Helium and Lucky were able to get Echo off Til, but the damage was already done. Til's mask laid shattered on the ground next to him. As Helium and Lucky picked Til up to take him to Potato's house for medical treatment Echo picked up the shattered remains of Til's mask and took them back to his house to put them back together, only this time better.

When Helium and Lucky entered the house Potato knew something was wrong when she saw red covering not just Til, but Helium and Lucky by this point. She immediately sprang into action and shouted orders and Nugget who helped her stitch Til back up into one piece. After Potato finished with Til Helium told Lucky to watch Til as he made his way towards Echo's house.

When Helium entered the house, he could hear Echo upstairs working on something, but he didn't know what it was just yet. As he entered the upstairs area he shouted "hey! What the hell was that? You could have killed him Echo" Echo didn't even look up at Helium he just kept working on the mask in front of him. After a few minutes of silence Echo rose from his chair and said "I know, and I am going to apologize with this" showing Helium the new mask he made. He had added extra padding and red streaks to the mask where the mask had shattered. Helium didn't even look at the mask and just asked again "Echo what was that?"

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