Part 2: The Thinking

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The day after, OJ started talking to Paper more often to see if it would happen again, but it didn't. He was.. confused. But he could've sworn he saw it! He saw something wrong- he isn't crazy! After a few days of this, he was in his office again when he heard footsteps from outside the door.
"Paper-? Is that you? I told you not to check on me, I'm fine."
A calm voice echoed from beyond the door. "Not Paper, but I thought I would tell you something.. important."
He perked up. "Important? What's so important, then??"
"Paper isn't how he seems. Keep a close eye on him."
OJ immediately seemed to look disappointed.  "I've been trying! Nothing's been going on, and I'm starting to think I just was seeing things."
The voice sounded more annoyed. "I know, you've been trying, but try harder. You have to try harder, OJ."
He looked away from the door, but it intrigued him. Whoever was behind the door walked away and OJ followed its advice.

The next day, OJ walked up to Paper, slightly nervous.
"Paper, I have to ask you something."
Paper turned to him, confused. "What is it, OJ?"
"Are you hiding something from me? We're best friends, you know, you don't need to do that."
Paper's face flushed and he turned away. "O-Of course not!"
"I- I have to go." He rushed off.
When Paper turned away, OJ saw the same red he saw when he did the first time. The red in his eyes...

He has to stay away from Paper.

Just The Wind  [ AN II OJ FANFIC ]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant