Day 0: Introductions

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...Well, here you are. Congrats to you, you'd suppose. Your name in Y/n. You're currently on a bus with thirteen random strangers, all of them ranging from two years to a couple of decades older than you, headed to a certain mansion-like house where you all are on an unusual Reality TV show where you need to see what happens when all of you live together in one house. That just sounds so fucking weird.

You were given a title by the show's host Kristal once you were accepted into the show, your title being 'the Intellectual' because you're smarter and seem to know more than the other thirteen despite being the youngest. You wouldn't really call yourself that. You just learned a bunch of stuff from all your screwing around online. You also seem to really understand people's situations well, a bit too well if you were to ask yourself...

You're currently sitting next to a guy who to you looks like an E-boy. If you didn't know any better, you'd say he'd be closer to your age. Although, his personality is different from a typical E-boy's as you suddenly start talking to him.

E-Boy(?): *looks over at Y/n* Hey.

Y/n: *looks over at the 'E-boy'* Oh, hey. I, uh, think I've seen you somewhere before. You have an Instagram, don't you?

E-Boy(?): Yeah, actually. I have 2,000+ followers.

Y/n: That's so cool. I could barely get to 200 on any social media I have, some of them are friends I met in school though.

E-Boy(?): Oh, that's cool too. I'm Aiden.

Y/n: Name's Y/n, nice to meet you.

Aiden: So, did you watch the show before? I watched all the seasons before coming here.

Y/n: Eh, not really. Usually isn't my kind of thing.

To tell the truth, you didn't wanna come here. Your parents thought it would be a fun thing they could have you do to try and make friends, even though you currently felt fine where you were. It seems to be working though, you and this Aiden guy appear to be hitting it off.

Soon enough, you reach the house in question. You all get off and you see Aiden brush up  against another guy's arm. You recognize the person as TikTok influencer JamesCD, you used to like his content until he was suddenly revealed to have been playing someone's emotions to get more followers. For a moment, the two looked shocked to see each other, then Aiden glared at James who looked away with a guilty expression on his face. It looks like Aiden somehow knew what James did and he could tell.

You and everyone else, including the bus driver Markus and his creepy puppet Nina, walk over to the doors where Kristal is. The show is about to start.

Kristal: Greetings, campers. Or rather, housemates, since we currently cannot use that stage right now. I'm your host, Kristal... [sigh] Kristal McLain...

Yikes, you knew about her her father Chris. She doesn't seem to like him understandably.

Kristal: Welcome to Disventure Mansion! Because of the scene change, we decided to put you together in a mansion for a year in order for each of you to win $1,000,000! The place used to be owned by my dad, the coolest thing he could ever give me honestly... Behind these door is enough bedrooms and personal bathrooms for each and every one of you housemates. On top of that, it has a library, a massive living room we call a 'lounge', a study room, a studio-type room for confessionals, an indoor pool and hot tub, an extra room we made into an infirmary with an actual doctor and nurse, a large main lobby where we will hold announcements for the day, a massive kitchen and dining room, a backyard tennis-and-badminton court, an off-limits basement, a few places I'm not sure what they are, and because it still counts as "Disventure Camp," another big-ass extra room for occasional challenges!

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