The Kissing Roulette/A Laboratory?

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(A/N: This basically plays out the same as Episode 3, minus the eliminations (which goes for the rest of the chapters that are based of an episode).)


You wake up to the sound of Kristal speaking through the house intercoms about a certain challenge she requires you all to wash yourselves for, you groan in irritation at the fact that she didn't say what it was when it ended.

This is your eighth day on this show, and you want to say you're in hell. You're practically made into the 'therapist housemate' as well as the 'most mature housemate', and you're literally only fourteen. But what do the others really know about you?

You mentally separated the other housemates into certain categories of how much you tolerate them.

Firstly, Yul and Karol who are in your 'people I don't like' category, or rather, your 'one I don't necessarily like and one I hate' category. No wonder Karol's labeled as 'the Animal Lady', the angry woman told you she typically gets along better with animals than people and that they understand each other, you at least respect her for that since you like animals too. Yul doesn't have an excuse though, he's rude, selfish, mean, and annoying, the worst kind of person.

Second, those in your 'people I don't really mind' category consisting of Connor, Riya, Hunter, Ally, Tess, Kai, and Maggy. You don't spend too much time with any of them, but you do like meditating with Kai and Maggy.

And finally, those in your 'people I don't mind all' category consisting of Lake, Rosa, Aiden, and James. You honestly like spending time with all of them and got them to even join you in meditation sessions, but Aiden and James still won't talk to each other and you're worried about Lake's well-being, you hope that it'll get better.

You get out of bed, grab your favorite regular clothes and a towel, and go to take a shower. You  briefly wonder what this first challenge is.

Once you all are ready and sitting in booths in the Challenge Room, the challenge is about to begin.

Kristal: Welcome, housemates, to your very first challenge.

Riya: Any reason why you recommended us to be clean while started the challenge?

Kristal: Oh, that? Just a professional curtesy on my part, because if you're rejected at any point in this challenge, no one will be able to say it was due to a lack of hygiene.

Hunter: Rejected?

Kristal: That's right, today will be the most romantic and embarrassing challenge of the show! Depending on you, of course.

In between the two booths you and the rest of the housemates are sitting on, a sheet drops and reveals two large identical wheels with hearts painted on the middle and pictures of all your faces pinned around the edge, one about to be spun by Oliver and the other about to be spun by Markus and Nina, and a big red circle on the floor between them. You and the other housemates all glance at each other briefly. Was the first challenge really gonna be what you yourself thinks it is?

Kristal: Without further mystery, today's challenge is called "Kiss or Quit!"

Yep, it is.

Kristal: As you can see, in between the housemates are two wheels, each with photos of all of their faces. Oliver and Markus will spin them.

Nina: And what about me, are you blind?

Kristal: ...Markus AND Nina...

Nina: That's better.

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