
Growing up, we were taught to welcome the future with open arms. We were told to not limit ourselves the the possibilities around us. To shoot for the moon because at least then, if we missed we would land amongst the stars
I wanted that 
I wanted all of that 
But that was never in the cards for me 

Imagine having your entire future mapped out in front of you which left you with no other alternative. It's this way or nothing. 
Imagine being so suffocated that you can't speak out about it in case you angered them all 

All I've wanted was to have the freedom to make a decision, the chance to have an option to make a mistake 
The choice to chose what I do with my future 

But I less then 24 hours that's gone. 
I'll be shipped off to the Medical school my father had been drilling into me from the age of 12. 
He never attempted with Liam, he succeed with Emily so he's counting on the fact I'll just follow suit.. 
But it isn't what I want at all

Then again, what I want doesn't matter in his eyes.

From a young age all of his kids fell into a passion in one way or another. And one by one he tried to shatter them all 

Liam, the oldest of the three kids has a power behind his music. He loves it more then he can ever expression, he would give his last penny just to make someone smile with any of his music 
Dad hated that fact that Liam wouldn't let him take control over that and nip in in the bud
All Liam and Dad do is butt heads, I don't think I remember a time where they got along 
It sucks but I won't lie, I have a huge sense of respect for Liam for just stepping up to our father.. It's not the easiest 

Then there is Em, Emily is the first successful victim to Dads plan. He cut her ties with Dance the moment he could and he hasn't let up since
Emily has a talent I can only admire. Had she not given in so easily, she would have been unstoppable by now
She can pretend she is happen in the profession she is in right now but we can all read between the lines..

Then there is me, I'm the youngest out of our little trio and I don't want to give everything up to please Dad but I also know that I can't say no
It's a downfall of mine, being a people pleaser 
I don't want to be some big shot doctor, I've never had an interest it in.. I want to dance

From the moment that Mum signed Emily and I up for our first Ballet Class I was hooked, there is just a sense of joy I get from dancing. I've yet to find anything out that can match it 

I've tried explaining this to my father but he doesn't seem to care, he wants us all the be successful in life and he is convinced that any sort of Art is not the route to go down
That is his biggest gripe with Liam. Liam is out there making music, making a living from it. Completely proving him wrong and he hates it 

I want that chance, I want that more then anything 
But you know how the saying goes
I want's don't get...

Liam: Hey Cinderella, time to turn back into a pumpkin. Mum's looking for you x 

"Guess that freedom is over with.." I mumbled to myself heading back towards the house

I didn't take me long at all to get there, I'd gotten used to getting home quickly. The only time I ever have the chance to sneak out is where Liam braves the trip home for the weekend
I'll spend as much time with him as I can but he's the only person who can keep both of our parents busy while I do whatever I want to

"Classy Riles" Liam laughed as I slipped slighting climbing back through the window that I'm convinced he closed slightly to throw me off
I glanced over at him to see him elbow deep in a bag of crisps knowing that he was probably getting all sorts of crumbs on my bed right now
"You better be prepared to clean that before you run away" I warned him earning an eyeroll as he shifted his gaze back to the TV 

It wasn't even a minute later that our mum walked through the door making me jump out of my skin 
"There you are Riley! Where have you been?" She asked a little panicked
"I've been packing Mum. What's up" I asked making her look over at the pile of boxes that haven't moved since I packed them weeks ago
She shot me a look of disbelief before leaving the room

I knew for a fact that If I looked over at Liam right now he would be in an almost fit of laughter
That was soon proven right the minute his laughter filled the room earning a glare from me
"You're going need to work on those excuses kiddo" I smirked making me look at him confused 

"What are you talking about? I leave tomorrow morning Liam, I won't have to hide after that" I explained
"Oh god, what do you know that I don't?" I asked making him laugh more

"Riley Riley Riley" He laughed before taking a deep breath in to calm himself

"You aren't being shipped anywhere, I'm asking Dad to let you have a gap year and you are gonna come and stay with me" He explained making me look at him confused
"I don't want a gap year Liam, I appreciate the offer but-" I started
"You aren't having one Riles" He said cutting me off completely

"Your Dance College is about 30 minutes from me so you will be going there but if Mum and Dad ask, you're taking a gap year at mine. Got it?" He asked making me widen my eyes frantically nodding

"Good! Buckle up Kiddo, we're in for a bumpy ride" he laughed ruffling my hair as he left the room

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