
Sitting at this dinner table right now I only felt sick at the silence. Emily wasn't here for Dad to pester about her newest adventure, it was just Liam, Mum, Dad and I. 
Liam and I hadn't had any time to plan a game plan for what Liam wanted to do, it was already risky as it was but I could trust Liam
I would trust him with a lot more then what College I went to.. Easily 

But something about this was just bubbling into a bundle of nerves

"Are you ready for tomorrow sweetheart?" Dad asked as I continued to push mash potato's around my plate before humming in response not knowing what to say
If I spoke and said the wrong thing, it could be the difference between following Liam's plan or following Dad's 
It felt like I was on a tightrope right now and I had no chance to get off of it 

"Actually, there was something I would like to discuss with you both" Liam said making my dad instantly drop his cutlery in the most dramatic sense making both Mum and I look up at him

"I have a proposition for you to consider" Liam added earning a growl from our father
"Since when did you earn the right to dictate what I'm doing with my daughter?" He snapped 
"I'm not dictating anything, I'm just suggesting something. Just putting it on the table" Liam reminded him
"what is it?" Mum asked making Liam turn to offer her a smile

"We all know that Riley has worked the hardest through school, juggling her schoolwork, extracurriculars and anything else you threw at her" Liam said adding a snide comment to Dad
"I think she needs a breather. She needs time to come down from the stress of all of that before you ship her off into medical school" Liam said 

"Why on earth would we do that?" Dad asked, his eyes darkening the more Liam tried to persuade
"Honey, why don't we hear them out?" Mum asked trying to sweeten the deal but I don't think she could 
"Why? It's not going to change anything. She cannot just postpone something when she is due to be there tomorrow!" Dad exclaimed and dare I say it.. he had a point

"We can actually. She arrives tomorrow but her classes won't start for another two weeks after that. That medical school is also known for people taking gap years during the first year, nobody would even bat an eyelid and you know it" Liam said making me raise a brow at him before turning to me dad who looked defeated
For once in his life, I don't think he had a come back

"Is this really what you want Riley?" Dad said, but it wasn't what he said but the way he said it that completely terrified me
There was a tone to his voice.. One that only meant trouble

"She's done nothing but jump at any hurdle you gave her growing up. All she's asking for is one year" Liam explained placing a hand on my shoulder almost like he was reminding me he was there
"Riley honey" Mum coaxed making me turn to look at her. 
Her gaze was softer and honestly more comforting then anything at this moment. She looked at me like she was trying to read me, trying to figure out what I wanted

"Let her have the year" Mum said making Dad glare at her directly
"Then when she comes back for next year, we won't have any rebellion, no party tricks. Right Riles?" Mum said offering me a small smile
"Right" I whispered quietly but also loud enough that everyone could hear

"Then I guess you've all made up your minds" Dad grumbled pushing himself away form the table storming off, that alone was enough to let the guilt of the situation sink to my stomach 


 For once, I'm feeling a little sour about leaving. I've prayed for this day, I've wanted nothing more then it to hurry up but knowing what I'll be doing makes me not want to leave home
What if this changes more then I think it will?
This is my one chance to do something for myself, what if I blow it?

This will be the first time I go somewhere and just be Riley 

I'm not going to Highschool where I'm Liam and Emily's little sister
I'm not going to Medical School and being my Father's daughter

I'll be completely on my own, I'll be just Riley 

"Is this really something you want this badly?" A voice said making me jump as I sat on the bench in the back garden, I looked up and saw my Dad stood by the doorway
"It's not entirely what I want but it'll do" I mumbled to myself as he came and sat next to me
"You can't go wasting your life on dreams like that Riley. I'm doing this to make sure you are set for life" He reminded me making me nod 
"I know" I muttered

"If going off with Liam for a year is what you need to screw your head on about Medical School then so be it" He reminded me
"But I don't want you to fray to far please. Don't throw away everything you've worked for over the last few years" He warned 

"I know" I said before watching him nod leaning back into the bench

"It's going to be strange you all leaving. It's gotten quieter when Liam and Emily left but I guess knowing you're leaving too is harder then I thought" He said making me turn to look at him
Dad is not a sentimental person, he rarely shows his feelings which is what I think stunned me about this comment

"It's not like I'll be gone forever" I reminded him making him chuckle
"I suppose not sweetheart but you've always been here. I'm letting my little girl go out in to the world. Let your Dad be a little upset about it huh?" He said nudging me 

I miss this, the carefree side of him. The one where he wanted to treat his kids like kids and not property that needs guidance 

"I'm going to miss you Riley" He said opening his arm for a small hug, one I gladly accepted because no matter how unbearable his plan might be...

"I'll miss you too Dad.." I whispered into the hug

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