
"Well shit Riley, you are decked out here" Liam said as we walked into my dorm room the following morning. It was a lot bigger then I had anticipated when I was offered a single dorm room
"This is even better when my old dorm" Liam added
"I liked your old dorm room" I said making Liam chuckle
"no kiddo, you liked my roommates snack cupboard" He reminded me making me roll my eyes
"Just because Joey would let me steal some but wouldn't let you" I reminded him making him poke his tongue out 

"Right rule time Riley Roo!" He said making me roll my eyes at his nickname
"Monthly dinners" I said making Liam nod, that was probably the only rule of his that I remember
"And besides that, just keep in contact with me and answer when I call. I'll only call when it's prearranged or if our parents drop a bomb on me" He said earning a compliant nod from me before opening his arms

"Do you think we'll really get away with this" I whispered into his chest as he held me close
"Get away with it? Riley you are going to take this place by storm. I don't want you to worry about Dad, Mum, Em or even me. I want you to focus on yourself" He said making me pull away slightly to look at him

"It's time for you to be selfish Riley. Everything you want is right here waiting for you, the choice is yours now" He said softly making me nod before coming in for another hug 

"You've got the talent, you've got your stage now too Riles." he whispered making me chuckle
"Just don't choke yeah? I don't want to be known as the big brother to a sister who choked at her first show" He winked making me push his chest causing both of us to laugh 


Liam was right, this place was my beginning. Everything I had been wanting for the last few years was right here and it was about time I took it right?
This was my turn..

Nobody here knows me, nobody here knows my story, where I come from 
For once in my life, I'm not hiding in anyone's shadows 

I left my room heading to drop some rubbish in the bins after I had finally finished unpacking most of me things 
Only know was I realising how much I really owned considering this wasn't even everything
The second I walked back into the building and into the corridor for the doors I came crashing into someone's chest
Their arms gripped a hold of my waist as the pair of us fell to the floor

"Oh my god, I am so sorry!" I panicked opening my eyes to see as tall curly haired brunette looking down at me with a raised brow
His lips turned up into a smile while his hazel eyes looked at me while he chuckled
"Don't even worry about it" He smiled taking a hold of both of my hands pulling me up off of the floor

"Any injuries?" He asked but I shook my head
"I really am sorry, my head was in another place and -" I started before hearing him chuckle again
"No harm, no foul" He smiled
"I'm James" He said offering me his hand, I happily took it into mine giving it a little shake
"I'm Riley" I answered earning a nod while the same smile stayed evident on his face
"Yo man! Let's goooo!" Another voice said making James turn to see another guy down the corridor throwing his arms about trying to grab his attention 

"See you around Riley" James said and before I could say anything else he had ran off down the corridor after his friend 

"I knew I heard someone new!" a voice said the minute I opened my dorm room door, I turned my gaze slightly to the side to see a blonde making her way over to me
"Sorry if things were loud" I apologised not really knowing what I could have done that would have been deemed loud
"Nonsense, I'm just a busy body and wanted to come say hi!" She said pulling me into a hug before I could even ask for her name 

"I'm Michelle and it looks like we are neighbours" She smiled tapping lightly on the door next to us
"I'm Riley, Do you wanna come in?" I offered, it couldn't hurt to make a friend right?

"I'm sorry about the mess, it's been a hectic morning" I said moving some of the piles of clothes putting them in the wardrobe
"Are you only moving in today?" She asked making me nod
"It was sort of a last minute choice I guess. I wasn't supposed to be going here" I explained without giving too much detail
"Hence the fancy single door" She teased 
"Actually this was offered to me when I applied at the beginning, I'm more shocked it was still available" I explained earning a chuckle from Michelle 

"Michelleeeee!"  A voice whined making me look up to see Michelle already rolling her eyes before mouthing an apology to me
"In here El" Michelle called before a blonde head pooped through the now open door
"What's going on?" She laughed as the boy sulked into the room
"One of the boys took my hairdryer, can I borrow yours?" He asked 
"Eldon why don't you just take it back?" Michelle asked earning a small glare from Eldon

"Here, I have a spare" I laughed handing Eldon an old hair dryer that was well and truly on it's way out anyway
"Are you sure?" He asked and I nodded before holding up another one to show it was a spare

"Thanks uh-" He said before cutting himself off
"Riley, I'm Riley" I said offering him a smile 

"nice to meet you Riley and thanks for the hairdryer" He said chuckling making Michelle and I both join in
Maybe it won't be so bad here after all 

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2023 ⏰

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