Chapter 13

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Hyun Hae stands up quickly. I give him a look.

Don't do anything stupid.

She smiles gently at me, probably wanting to reassure me. Then she quickly walks towards my mother, who is looking at us with a sharp look.

Shit, shit, shit.

I look at my friend with attention. I am wary of what comes next.

Abruptly, she reaches out to my mother and introduces herself. With all the confidence I know.

- Hyun Hae, nice to meet you. I am your daughter's colleague. I came to help her with her project last night. We worked all night. So I apologize for the way we look. Nice to meet you.

It's a total blank.

I'm amazed at how easy it is for her to just lie like that. Under normal circumstances. I would have rather told the whole truth. But on this occasion. It saves me more than anything else.

My mother still shakes her hand. Even though, deep down. I know very well that she doesn't want to. She's just being polite.

My mother has always been like that. Smiling from the front. And scornful from behind. So I've always found that normal.

Yet, I open my eyes more and more. I'm starting to see another side of her face. And I don't know if that's a good thing.

But this is only the beginning.

- Well, I leave you! Have a nice day!

Hyun Hae grabs her bag and leaves the house. What a quitter... But it's a good thing she made that scene just before.

The door closes with an entertaining sound. Then the calm returns. Finally, the calm before the storm.

- So there, Liana. I want some explanations. What the hell is this mess? And since when do you need someone to work?

My mother stares at me. I look around. The house is not a mess. Where does she see the mess?

- She's a friend, Mom.

I answer, overriding this concern for tidiness. I have nothing to say.

- What have I ever told you about friendships? Liana, you know where this leads.

I sigh and mumble.

- How do I know if I've never had any friends.

She doesn't hear me and heads for the fridge.

- Oh my God, what is this?

I frown, what is she talking about. I widen my eyes when she takes out the tupperware where are the dishes that Jin kindly offered me.

- There is as much fat in this dish as there is food. I thought you had put on a little weight.

And it is without any authorization that she opens the trash can with her foot and pours the contents. From this dish, and from all the others.

I look at her.

I cannot do anything.

I am just mixed between two emotions.

Sorrow and hatred.

Against my mother. And for the first time.

But I hold back from telling her what I think. Because she is right on one hand. And that I have no right.

Yes, it is. You have the right.

I shake my head. I take a deep breath and resume fighting my inner anger.

Unconscious||P.JM by Dream-Hae (not my story)Where stories live. Discover now