episode 2

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💭— setting sail

It's been 3 years since then. stepping out to the ocean for an adventure is an exhilarating and awe-inspiring experience that evokes a unique set of emotions. As you approach the vast expanse of shimmering water, a sense of anticipation tingles through your veins. The salty breeze caresses your face, carrying with it the unmistakable scent of the sea, further heightening your excitement.

Luffy and Y/n packed up to leave, Y/n felt as if this were a fever dream. it's a shame that it wasn't. it was a struggle for Y/n to move forward— The windmill village is reminiscent of her childhood.

she felt secure in this village, it was her home even if it was surrounded by criminals. amidst the nostalgia and sadness, there is an undercurrent of excitement and a thirst for new experiences. The anticipation of unfamiliar landscapes, different cultures, and unexplored possibilities beckons to you, like a siren's call. Y/n yearned to break free from the confines of the known, to challenge herself and grow beyond the boundaries that your hometown once held. But in order to accomplish such things Y/n needed to take a step forward and leave this small island; but what pierced Y/n's heart the most was saying goodbye to Dadan.

you were broke from your thoughts when you heard Luffy's voice " Y/n! let's go! " you smiled at him " okay, give me a few minutes "— you always admired Luffy for his positivity, he lives free-spirited; but what made you admire him the most was his smile. every moment he smiles, it was always genuine. his eyes filled with warmth that could reach your soul, his raven-colored pupils that sparkles with an inner light, reflecting a pure sense of delight and contentment. y/n was ready to leave, she took only a few things for her journey. not too much, not too many. just enough.

" y/n, let's say goodbye to Dadan first " her heart dropped at the sudden realization of leaving dadan for good, she will always owe her lives to the crazy mountain bandits. 

" Dadan, we're leaving now. goodbye! " Luffy said " well, that's the last of them " a few mountain bandits said " great, finally no more shitty kids to take care of "

y/n called her name and she responded with a quirk of her eyebrows— " thank you for taking care of us! " six words, six words that led Dadan into tears " idiots! just leave already don't come back! i don't care! " she said whilst wiping her tears with a white cloth.

and with that, the two soon-to-be pirates left the mountain. and was soon acknowledged by the people they knew in the village, Makino and the villagers accompanied them into shore. where their small boat was anchored, their boat wasn't anything special. not too big, not too small. it was just sufficient enough for them to travel across the sea.

They now had set sail, looked back and saw an image of people waving at them.

Underneath a canopy of clouds, they both stood at the edge of the world they knew, Y/n and Luffy's heart beating in sync with the rhythm of possibility. With a final glance back at the town that had shaped them, Y/n took a deep breath and stepped into the vast expanse before her. The path ahead was shrouded in mystery, and as they ventured into the great unknown, they knew that with every step, they were not only leaving my hometown behind but also embarking on a journey of self-discovery, where the pages of my own narrative were waiting to be written.

With each passing moment, the pirates become one with the rhythm of the sea, an integral part of an intricate and timeless ecosystem. As they navigate uncharted territories, Y/n felt a surge of courage and resilience, knowing that she had ventured beyond your comfort zone and embraced the spirit of adventure. 

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