Hospital (ch 5)

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(Hailey's pov)
I heard a weird beeping sound in my sleep. Please don't tell me I'm in a hospital. Did it just go flat line? Just kidding its fine.
I opened my eyes but squinted at the bright lights. When they were fully open, I looked around the room. Sitting across from me, I saw one of my ultimate idols. Andy motherfucking Biersack. He was looking out the window. I tried to say hi but it came out as a painful cough. His head shot towards me and smiled. "Hey, are you feeling okay? Do you need the doctor? Do you need your pillow fluffed? Is your leg confo-"I cut him off,
"Yes, no, no,and yes."i said laughing. I tried to sit up but a pain shot through my body and I lied back down.
"The doctor said you shouldn't really move for the first hour you wake up." Hey says. 'Gee, thanks for telling me' but instead I just nod in response.
"So you like my band?" He asks with a smile. I laugh.
"Yeah you guys are my saviors. Speaking of savior, did you bring me here?" He looked at me and nodded with a sympathetic smile. He told me what happened.
(Day skip, all you need to know is andy stayed the night with her)
I woke up to the sun barely coming up. Today was the day I went back I the orphanage, although andy doesn't know that. He was still sleeping so I just laid back and closed me eyes.
When I woke up again, andy was awake and the doctor came in at that exact moment. "Well Hailey, you can go home now. Can you give me your parents phone numbers?" The doctor asked, but the words parents brought tears to my eyes.
"I don't have any." I respond coldly. Andy looked up with sadness in his eyes. "But the number to my foster home is ###-###-####" he nods and walks out. I already changed into my clothes last night so I'm already ready to go.
"You don't have parents?" Andy says, bringing up the touchy subject again.
"No but I would rather not get in to the story if you don't mind."
"Okay, but do you have any friends at least?"
"I have one, his name is Kyle, but that's it."
"You know what, you seem like an amazing girl. I promise I will come and visit yo-" he was cut off by Ms. Miller walking in the room.
"Ready?" She asks plainly. I shrug and go to andy and hug him. I hold in my tears and walk out the door. He's not gonna keep that promise. No one cares about me. No one would take time out of their day to do that. No one.

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