Chapter 6

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Previously at Sex Academy. Well who knew that things could only get worse for Kylie? I mean after the making out and handjobs, things only got weirder. Why does Kylie always have to make her life so complicating? But at least she didn't have to be embarrassed anymore, Jason did.

Kylie followed behind Jenny into first period, nervous for what this was going to be. As they walked in, Kylie noticed a woman sitting behind a desk, she was young and looked like she could be in high school. In the corner sat a small stage with a chair. On the whiteboard written in red ink, it said pleasuring a man. Great!

Kylie sat beside Jenny who was already pulling out a composition notebook and a cheap mechanical pencil.

"Hey Jenny," she began.

"Yes?" Jenny responded questioningly. She ran her fingers through her wavy blonde hair and watched Kylie's emotions run wild on her features.

"I kissed Jason yesterday," Kylie spoke quickly and quietly so none of the other girls would hear.

"Yeah I know, I was there remember?" She said it like it was obvious.

"I'm not talking about class, I mean last night."

Jenny turned toward Kylie, her eyes bright and wide. "You what!?" She said loudly and a little excited. But this wasn't exciting, this was nerve-racking, and Jenny quickly picked up on that from Kylie's quietness. "Wait, what happened?"

"He got all snarky, he was drunk," she said, disgusted with him.

Jenny made a face like she couldn't believe it. Kylie couldn't either, I mean she didn't really know him, but he didn't seem like the type of person to just get drunk and turn into an ass. "Why was he drunk?"

"I don't know," she sighed and turned towards the teacher stepping in front of the class and on stage.

She was short and had long auburn hair that tangled in her eyes. "Okay ladies, I'm sorry I'm a little behind at the moment. Ummm, Carl?" She yelled, moving papers around on her small desk on the stage and trying to balance herself in her heels.

A few of the girls laughed at her and made rude comments. "Carl," she called again.

A dark haired boy walked in and marched over to the center of the stage where a chair stood. He took a glance around the room at all the girls, his eyes lingered over Kylie's for what felt like minutes more than the others. She kept her gaze on his bright green eyes, she knew that she was blushing when he sent her that award-winning smile.

Kylie forced herself to look away from his gorgeous abs-that were much more prominent that Jason's-as he pulled his shirt over his head.

"Okay," the teacher said as she stood beside green eyes-Kylie's new nickname for him. "I'm Mrs. Flynn, and this is my assistant Carl," she said gesturing towards Carl. "He's my TA, each student must have a TA credit during their senior year."

Mrs. Flynn pushed her bangs away from her eyes and started again. "Carl please remove your pants and boxers," she said.

In the front of the class, Kylie heard Audrey and Nicole whispering about how "Mrs. Flynn is a huge slut" and "Mrs. Flynn rapes underaged men".

"Dang," Jenny whispered to Kylie. She nodded and watched as Carl pulled down his boxers.

He was definitely hot, his body was tanned everywhere, and yes even his private area. He had a perfectly toned body and a deep v line. His private parts were big, even when flaccid.

Kylie wanted him, her core ached and she felt her body grow with need. She had never experienced this kind of need except when her and Jason had there stare down during hand jobs.

"Pleasing a man isn't difficult, you just have to know how to do it." Mrs. Flynn said, interrupting Kylie's thoughts. "Through this course, I will teach you all the basics and you will learn how to do it with your body and your attitude. But today It'll only be a demonstration."

Carl took a seat in the chair and Mrs. Flynn grasped his hair tight. Her lips met his neck and she sucked hard on it for a quick second before kissing along his jaw line to his mouth. He let out a few moans as she kissed him. Mrs. Flynn was young and definitely was attractive, but Kylie didn't think it was normal for a student to be turned on by his teacher.

Mrs. Flynn's hands caressed Carl's thigh as she worked her way to his privates. When her fingers grasped his manhood, he let out a loud moan. "I want you so badly," she whispered in his ear, just loud enough for Kylie to comprehend.

Carl held her hair when she began to kiss his chest, abdomen, thighs, and then her lips met his erection.

He moaned out again, but louder this time. Kylie watched his lips as they went from straight to a perfect O. When her eyes met his, Kylie realized that he had been watching her. No matter how badly she wanted to, she couldn't look away, she was embarrassed yet entranced. Kylie had never seen a man as hot as him and act like this.

Between her thighs were becoming wet. She didn't understand the way it was affecting her, how she reacted to his pleasure, why She felt so turned on by this boy she didn't know.

Within a few minutes white liquids were exiting the crime scene, and his eyes were still on Kylie's.

Mrs. Flynn moved from his body and quickly walked back to her desk. "There's five minutes left of class," she said as she peeked at her watch. "So I'd like all of you to make a journal entry describing what you just saw."

"I saw a slut rape a hot student," Nicole whispered.

Kylie rolled my eyes wrote down a few notes, mainly about Carl's body.

When the bell rang, she quickly gathered all of her things and turned on her heels to leave. To her surprise, Carl was standing two inches away from her body. "Excuse me," Kylie whispered, trying to inch around him and not make eye contact.

His arm slid behind her back, pressing her to him. "Why are you so entrancing?" He whispered.

Kylie pulled away and left quickly before he could follow.

When she caught up to Jenny, she was already seated in their next class. Jason sat in the back and Kylie could tell that Jenny knew she'd want to be far from him. Kylie sat beside Jenny in the front row.

On one side of the room were a line of poles and on the other were a bunch of chairs lined up. Mr. and Mrs. Waker told us that this was lap and pole dancing, and they demonstrated each of them.

After the demonstrations Kylie followed behind Jenny to lunch. They ate subway and sat down at a table near the big windows.

Jenny and Kylie ate in silence, neither of them wanting to speak first. She scarfed down her ham and cheese sandwich and soon lunch was over. Again, quietly they walked to third period together.

Their next class was resistance and Kylie had no idea what that meant. But we were all seated in the auditorium for this class. And again there were two teachers, Mr. Smith and Ms. Thresh, the first H is silent.

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