Chapter Thirty-Seven

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The realization made Emersyn feel suddenly dizzy. She got to her feet, stunned by her mom's words as the truth hit her like a Mack Truck. Makayla could see something was amiss, because her brow furrowed as her daughter's body began to shake. "Emmy," she said as she placed her hands on Emersyn's shoulders. "What's wrong? Are you okay?" But Emersyn couldn't speak. She couldn't believe it. Zeke's mother had lied to him about his father his whole life. Had told him he was dead when he wasn't. And what killed her even more was the fact that she was probably the woman Kiel had been talking about when he'd told her she should go to Zeke and talk to him. The one who got away.

Zeke. Her heart was racing as she pulled her phone out of her pocket and found his name in her contacts. Ignoring her mom's questions, she pressed the call button and held the phone up to her ear, silently praying she wasn't too late. That he would answer her. But the call went straight to voicemail. She tried again, hoping for a different result. But the call just wouldn't go through. Kiel told her Zeke was leaving that night. Going back home. She checked the time on her phone. Maybe it wasn't too late. If he was still at the house, then maybe she could catch him before he left.

"Mom," she said as she turned to look at her mother for the first time since the realization hit her. "Did you drive here?"

Still clearly worried about her daughter, Makayla nodded her head. "Yes. My car it right outside the gates. Emersyn, what is going on?"

But Emersyn shook her head. There wasn't enough time to explain. They had to go. "Take me to Kiel's place. Please. I... I have to find Zeke. He's supposed to leave tonight, and I have to catch him before he does."

Her mom seemed to know better than to ask any more questions. Instead, she led Emersyn to her car, and the two of them began making their way to Kiel's house. Emersyn closed her eyes as they passed through the small town, praying silently it wasn't too late. That he hadn't left yet. Her leg bounced up and down anxiously, and she remembered the day she'd taken Zeke to meet Sal for the first time. How nervous he'd been. And as her leg shook, she was suddenly thankful she wasn't the one driving this time. She seriously doubted she'd be able to focus on the road with how nervous she felt.

A few minutes later, they pulled into Kiel's driveway, and Emersyn jumped out of the car before it had come to a full stop. She stumbled a bit as she ran up the few wooden steps to Kiel's house. Not bothering to knock, she threw the front door open. Her chest was heaving, and she could barely breathe with how much adrenaline was racing through her veins at the moment. She thought for sure her heart would burst if she didn't find him, and she had no idea what she was going to do if she was too late. God, please don't let her be too late.

"Zeke!" she called as she continued to pant, cupping her hands around her mouth to make her voice louder. "Zeke!" She ran through the living room and into the kitchen, but he wasn't there. The memories of all the dinners they'd had together in that room filled her mind, and she fought back tears. She had to find him. He had to know. "Zeke!" She screamed his name again and again, her heart dropping further and further into the pit of her stomach with each unanswered call. She felt sick with worry, and she was beginning to fear he'd left them. Left her. Not that she would blame him, after the way she acted in the hospital. All she needed was one more chance. Five more minutes with him to make everything right again.

"Emersyn?" a voice said from down the hall, and she perked up, thinking it might be Zeke. But her face fell when she saw Kiel enter the living room, his puffy red eyes clouded with concern. He looked like he'd been crying, and her heart ached at seeing him so hurt. It was all her fault. She should've listened to him sooner. Talked to Zeke while she still had the chance. "What's going on?"

"Where is he?" she asked frantically, and her worst fear was realized when her uncle's face fell. "Kiel, where is Zeke?"

He sighed and ran his fingers through his thick blond hair. Hair that matched the color of Zeke's. And as she looked at Kiel, she suddenly felt so stupid. The resemblance was uncanny now that she knew the truth. They had the same hair color. The same eyes. The same face shape. Honestly, she didn't know how she had missed it for so long. They were practically identical if you really paid attention. And she remembered how she'd thought, during that first meeting with Zeke in the graveyard, how familiar he'd looked. Because he looked like his father. Like Kiel. "Honey, Zeke left for the ferry about twenty minutes ago." He said it like it was over. Like there was no hope left. And Emersyn felt herself sinking deeper into the pits of despair. She knew it. She was too late. It was over now. She leaned against the wall between the kitchen and the living room, fighting back tears as she tried to think of what to do next.

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