childhood crush &confession

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Basic info on reader

Name: y/n yumi  age 15

Family: 2 sisters

Metal yumi age 18

Annandale age 14

Quick summary:

You, ruby,Annandale and aqua have known each other since childhood the more you over time you and ruby became bffs you had a great friendship with aqua and had a little crush on him your younger sister also had a crush on him too which made you two distant to each other you hated each other now you had told ruby everything about your life she felt really bad for you and decided to have a party at your guys house


Ruby called you over to one of the class rooms you went over to her and said hey ruby are you sure this small party will make your brother fall for me ruby says of course I've planned everything out so at the party we're going to play 7 minutes in heaven you know the rules of the game anyways I'm going to rigger the whole thing so you and aqua end up together y/n says how did I know you were going to do something like this you always plan everything out but seriously how do you know it'll work we'll tried getting him to fall for me at the start of the year ruby says I just have a feeling it'll work this time don't worry about it y/n says ok if you say so I'll see you later ruby I better get to class see you tonight ruby says see you tonight after your classes ended for the day you packed up all your things aqua was on his phone texting someone you just guessed it was his sister you about to leave when aqua suddenly spoke to you aqua had said your very pretty you know y/n you literally blushed while saying umm... thanks you're very handsome you're self you left before he could say anything you walked out of the school and waited for your other sisters to show but they didn't so you just ran home you didn't live too far away it was about a 4 minute walk you got there pretty quickly you closed the door behind you and went upstairs and decided to text your sister's you were kinda mad they weren't there with you Annandale you can understand why she was probably hooking up with boys again just for their money she's such a gold digger but this is unlike metal she's super nice and understanding she always picks you up from school every day you texted metal

~Metal big sis~

Sis where were you I waited 40 minutes for you at school today but you weren't there what's happening with you

You better not be turning into Annandale no.2 now you know how much I hate her she just hooks up with boys for their money she doesn't even love them at all are you okay though I'm really worried about you if you're out somewhere you should've told me first

Please respond

Sorry sis I told Mike to go get you but he didn't I'm breaking up with him tomorrow don't worry I'll be home in a few minutes very sorry I made you worry it won't happen again also Annandale should be in her room doing something with a boy

Ho and what do you mean Annandale's hooking up with boys only for their money were taking about this tomorrow morning:(

You were glad she was OK Annandale was hooking up with another boy in her room you were 100% sure she was you put on some black leggings and a cute looking crop top the crop had said butterfly on it in cool writing the crop top had rainbow colors short selves you had then put on some white sneakers you tied your hair in a high ponytail you exit your room and shut the door gently you go to your sisters room you didn't want to but if you didn't metal would so you kocked on her door and said Annandale I know you're in I know you can hear so get ready for the party people are going to start arriving in 20 minutes after that you left you heard her panic before leaving you went down stairs made something for yourself to eat after you finished eating your sister metal came in the house and closed the door she walked closer to y/n and hugged her I'm sorry for making you worry y/n says its alright just don't do it again ok I was really worried about you she nodded also get ready for the party she nodded and went upstairs to her room you walked into your almost second living room you were making sure you had everything you had prepared everything for the party yesterday just in case you didn't get around to it today which you were glad you did everything was ready closet was clean and it's average size it's not going to hurt anyone's backs so good enough  it was now 18 minutes until people arrive unless they decide to be early or something your sister metal came down she was wearing dark blue jeans black belt white runners light blue top the shirt could almost pass as sleeveless her was braided the other parts of her hair was in a sort of ponytail she had some make up on you could never get used to make up you just only use blush if you must use it your an actor so it's understandable you have to use make up metal says how do I look y/n had said you look great anyways go check on Annandale to see if she's ready there's no way I'm going anywhere near her room again today it's about 16 minutes now until people start showing up go see if she's ready metal nods and goes upstairs to see if she's ready a few minutes later metal comes down with metal y/n was on her phone but she could see Annandale upset about something probably got caught finally with one of her hook ups y/n says so Annandale did you get rid of that hook up of yours you know it's only 13 minutes until people start coming you know that right she says yes he's gone don't worry about it y/n and Annandale barely ever talked to each anymore they were never on good terms anymore 13 minutes later you heard kocking on the door you said that must be some of the guests now

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