double date

344 7 2


Y/n void age 15

union age 16

Hilly age 14

Mira age 19

Riuru age 15

Summary: your parents were killed by a stalker when you were only 6 years old your mother who was an idol with Ai Hoshino they were the best of friends and did everything together when Ai was killed by a fan you were very close with ruby and aqua Miyaemoon adopted you and your siblings along with aqua and ruby you were on a dating show with aqua


You were already in the classroom with some other people you didn't know a dark blue haired girl comes in the classroom the girl says Uh, I'm Yuki sumi I'm a 1st-year in high school a guy from across me says I'm Nobuyuki kumano! Dancing is my specially a blue haired girl beside me says I'm Akane kurokawa a 2nd-year high school student and actor a blonde haired girl on the other side of me says I'm Mem-cho a 3rd-year high schooler I stream on YouTube! Nice to meet you! A gray haired boy says I'm Kengo Morimoto I'm in a band nice to meet ya! I intro myself and said hello everyone! I'm y/n void I'm an actress this is my 1st-year in high school very nice to meet everyone looked at me my twin brother had just came in and said hello it's nice to meet everybody! I'm  Riuru void a 1st-year in high school and a model in some magazines really nice to meet you all! Riuru sits beside me and between Mem-cho Yuki sumi asks me if me Riuru age related I said yes he's my younger twin brother Yuki sumi says really!!?? I said yep Akane says hmmm....interesting that's unexpected Aqua enters the room and says I'm aqua! Whew I'm feeling  really nervous it's nice to meet you all Mem-cho says Aw you're so handsome! I really admire actors aqua says you're cute yourself Mem-cho I'm feeling bashful now one of the staff members says you can go ahead and converse feely with each other however please do pay attention to the angles of the fixed cameras when the camera man gets closer if you're able to it'd be a great help if you can have a chat that sums up what you'd been talking about right beforehand I saw aqua talking to girls I know he wants to hide our relationship from the public but he's making me jealous when talking to other girls like that after shooting for today ended I went home aqua texted saying sorry about the dating show I'll make it up to you when this dating show is over I texted me back saying you better you made me real jealous today you know do you have any idea how hard it is to this dating show without  wanting to take you away from those good looking girls he texted back saying I know I promise to make it up to you I texted back well I'll be holding you to that see you tomorrow at the dating show shooting I shut my phone off and went to sleep I woke up super early I headed to the dating show shooting

Time skip

Yuki sumi says I... want to quit love now everyone says what in the middle of the season!? One of the guys says why would you say such a thing!? I know he introduced himself yesterday but I forgot his name already Yuki sumi turns around and says well lately...the boys at school have been teasing me like ah so you like that kinda guy nothings scarier than showing your own romantic feelings to the whole world I didn't understand it one bit until starting on the show having tons of people focus their attention on you isn't all roses Mem-cho says I make a of myself fool on my channel so I feel you everybody thinks I'm an airhead...well I really am though I said if you want to quit its your choice but the show might not be the same without you think about it carefully Akane says Y-you're really good to call it quits? Nobuyuki kumano says I'm always willing to lend an ear okay?! If you leave the show then I'm out too! Yuki sumi says Nobu-kun Nobuyuki kumano says don't say stuff anymore let's stick with it Yuki sumi says I... I wasn't really listening to what they were saying I was on my phone sitting right beside aqua we went to a restaurant everyone was grilling food I wasn't hungry for this kind of food so I just watched I was right beside aqua I wasn't really paying attention to the conversations going on around me I saw aqua talking some glances at me from time to time Akane asked me if I wanted any food I lifted my head into my hand everyone looked at me worried  I no thanks I'm not really hungry for this kind of stuff I'm just really bored right now if anything caught my attention maybe I'd be a bit more excited Mem-cho says you don't seem so good are you okay everyone was awaiting my answer I said yeah I'm fine Nothing to worry about I went home a few minutes later and layed down on my bed I heard ruby and aqua talking about something upstairs the day we did some shooting I read some comments online I got some screen time I was the second favorite of the show my brother had crush on Akane so I gave him advice on what to do he ran off shortly after

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