The hardest part of being in love.

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I'm not the best writer.

George cried into his shoulder, I rubbed his back in an attempt to calm him down a bit. I was on the verge of tears but stayed strong. "I don't wanna go.." George said in between sobs.

There were some complications with his visa and in the meanwhile, had to go back to the UK while things were being sorted out. "I know... I don't want you to go either." I replied in a hushed voice. "I don't want to be alone." Those words hurt me more than ever, knowing that we would be so far apart after finally being together brought him back to the time where he couldn't leave his home, depressed and lonely. I mean Sapnap was there but most of the time he'd be playing valorant.

We stood there in each others arms for ten more minutes before George pulled out. "Let's go... I can't miss my plane" he sniffled while grabbing his suitcases.

I opened the car door for him and gestured him in, to ease his mind just for second. George giggled "you're such an idiot" he sat down and I closed the door behind him. I got in the drivers seat and started the car.

We arrived at the airport, the moment we both had been dreading. "I'm going to miss you.. so much." I pulled him in for one last hug "promise to call me as soon as you land?" George cupped my cheek with his hand, "promise." With that he gave me a kiss on my forehead and waved goodbye. I stood there in shock as he walked away, so much had happened in such a short amount of time. Tears pricked in the corner of my eyes, was i going to see him soon? Am I going to see him again?

I turned around and headed for my car, tears streaming down my face. I shouldn't be this sad, I'm sure I'll see him again... right?

If I would've known beforehand that this would happen, I would've mentally prepped myself. I guess not. Who knew the hardest part of falling in love was them leaving...?

360 words! You can see why the title says SHORT dnf oneshots. These are just silly little things I imagine in my head that I thought I'd weight out for you guys to read.

Go to bed. (For those reading at 4am)

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