Sleepless nights turned into sleeping in the same bed as you..

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Sleeping had been rough lately. Before I was getting to much sleep, now too little. I tossed and turned in bed, putting on and taking off blankets and running in circles in an attempt to tire myself out. Nothing worked.

I slowly creaked open my door and went to the kitchen for a quick snack. I opened the pantry door and the only thing that was in there was cheese and crackers, they hadn't gone shopping in over a week. I picked the up and sat myself down on the couch, Patches decided to join me as she rested in my lap.

I heard soft footsteps coming from upstairs, I looked up to see Dream leaning on the railing staring at me. What does he want..

He came downstairs, "what are you still doing up?" He whispered, sitting down on the couch's armrest. "I couldn't sleep so I came down to grab a snack," I said before chomping down on another cracker, "did I wake you?" Considering how loud I had been when I stomped down the stairs and shuffled around finding something to eat it wouldn't surprise me if I did. "Yeah I did" Dream chuckled.

"Well I'm going back to bed, it's late" he said, standing up. "Alright, goodnight" I replied drowsily. "Oh yeah, and uh- if you have any more troubles with going to sleep..." he paused, fiddling with his fingers, clearly nervous. I waited a minute until I clocked on, "got it." I smiled fondly as I watched him happily walk back up to his room.

By the time I was laying back in my bed, still no luck with sleeping. I tried listening to music, counting sheep, nothing. I thought about what Dream said, a light pink painted my cheeks, Maybe I should? But what if it's awkward.

I found myself standing in front of his door, wondering what I had got myself into. I calmed myself down and opened his door cautiously, if he was asleep I didn't want to wake him up. "George?..." Dream said clearly fatigued from lack of sleep, similar problems... "hey- sorry if I woke you up," before I could speak again Dream reached out his arms, "c'm ere." He slurred. I shuffled my way towards him, covering myself in the thick blankets. We lay there in awkward but also kinda comforting silence?

Dream suddenly pulled me closer to his chest, placing his hand under my shirt and drawing circles with his thumb. I melted into his touch, I had wanted this feeling forever and I've finally got it. It didn't matter whether we are together or not, just us existing in each others touch is enough.

BOOM! Another one done :3 there will be a lot more of these short things hopefully :)

449 words <3

Small dnf/Dnn oneshots :3Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin