Those flowers had survived... you hadn't.

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"George! I got a gift for youu!" Dream sung as he skipped down the hallway. "What?" I replied bluntly, Dream usually doesn't get the best gifts but it's the thought that counts? "Here," Dream pulled out a bouquet of flowers from behind his back. The flowers were were a mixed bunch with yellows, blues and I think pink? "They are beautiful Dream, thank you" I smiled at him and he smiled back. "I'll put them in the vase in my room, I'll be right back." I entered my room, looking for the vase which I later found in the corner of my room on a small round table. I placed them all gently inside, luckily there was already water in that vase.. somehow, so I didn't have to do that extra step. I went back downstairs and met Dream with a hug, "thank you, again." Dream chuckled, "hopefully that was better than the last ones I gave you" we both laughed. Last time Dream had bought me fake flowers from a two dollar shop because he didn't know where a real flower shop was. "Yeah.."

Late at night I got a random call, I groaned and picked up my phone to see who it was. It was a random number but I decided to answer it anyway so the chances and them calling back was impossible. "Hello?" I said, the caller was clearly delayed because they answered after 5 seconds. "Yes sorry, hi, this is Florida hospital. Are you George Davidson?" Why would the hospital be calling me? "Uh yes? What's wrong," I responded wearily. "Someone named Clay Minecraft has been admitted and he could only seem to tell me your number" I shot up out of bed, "what- wait what happened?!" My hands started to shake, what if he got into something serious? "He got into car crash down on the highway. He has some serious injuries." I frantically ran out of the house shit! I don't know how to drive. "Okay I'll uh- I'll be right there!" I hung up instantly and called an uber. They arrived a few minutes later and they drove me to the hospital. I rushed in through the doors "hello, I'm for Clay? Clay Minecraft?" The lady at the front desk sluggishly looked up, she started to type on her computer before FINALLY responding "room 34 to the left." I nodded. As I approached the room and entered I saw him, Dream.

"Dream are you okay?!" I rushed over to his side, "I'm sorry.." he managed to get out. The dreadful sound of flatline. I cried out for him, doctors came running in, pushing me out, leaving me crying outside his room.

My bed never felt the same, maybe it was the lack of warmth or the dread I had always felt after that day. Everything he had done for me, everything we had done together, how far we had come... went to waste by death.

The flowers he had gave me still stood beautiful but for one unlucky flower who had gone rotten and fallen, it's beauty had died, and so did you.

Hell nah I'm crying. This wasn't written out in the best way 🥲 you are gonna have to imagine most of this since I'm not a very good description writer.

533 words

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