Dystopia in Paradise

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Y/N and I have been "dating" for a few months now, I finish filming in 1 then I have a couple weeks of press. We've talked about how we'd manage while I'm away on other projects but nothing's official yet. There's been a lot of questions about my sexuality, as expected. I'm not going to slap a label on myself for the public's satisfaction. Y/N's been networking more often after being invited to a couple of events by Maddie and Yara. I'm proud of her for breaking out of her shell, it'll do her some good.

Filming has been exhausting to say the least, it's going steady now so I have very little time for outside shenanigans. The only thing favorable about this right now is the friends I have on set and how I get to cuddle up to Y/N at night. There's been a couple of articles and photos going around about us being together and being caught on dates or regular outings here and there so everyone knows we're kind of a thing. I haven't confirmed or denied the accusations, I'm kind of iffy about it. I just need time to process what that means for me but I really care about her, I want her and only her.

Right now I'm in the middle of filming, watching Jasmin monologue has to be one of the most top notch perks of this job.

"Soo... how are things with you and the dashing 'neighbor'?" Melissa probed as we stepped into her trailer.

"Great, things have been smooth. We're not official yet but I wouldn't mind it... she's so gentle and kind. I couldn't imagine a better person." I let off.

"Jenna, you're in love bebita."  she giggled.

"What? no", I chuckled. "I just like her a lot. Really bad... I like her so bad" I sighed, plopping down on the couch.

"Mhm, just calling it like I see it."

Butterflies. Just thinking about her gives me enchanting butterflies or I have to take an immense shit.. could be both.

"It's probably fake, stop being a fuckin moron", I heard Mason literally grunt outside the door.

I looked in the direction his voice came from and I watched as Jasmin walked in with a mission. I'm a bit confused as to what's going on but truly, who knows?

"I think you should see this, I know it's bad timing but I didn't want you to freak out later." Jasmin voiced sincerely as she showed me a post on her phone.

'SpillTheTea: Y/N Zambrana and Olivia Rodrigo spotted getting real cozy with each other at a Pistons after party 👀... Did Jenna and Y/N split or did Y/N just get caught up?'

I tried to take this was a grain of salt, this photo doesn't depict anything crazy. Just two friends laughing and having a good time. Looks like Olivia's whispering something in Y/N's ear... nothing to get bent up out of shape about.

"It's fine, i'm not worried." I told Jas.

"Yea...", she replied as she swiped to the next photo.

They kissed? Why would she be kissing anyone else besides me? How the fuck does a whisper turn into a kiss? I tried to hold back the tears forming, I can't mess up the makeup for this scene until the end of it. It's like a slap in the fucking face, I had a feeling it would happen. I nodded and walked away as I was being called for my first scene of the day . I can't believe she would do this to me, after months of opening up and bonding? After I almost gave myself to her? Literally? I'm more than upset, i'm fucking livid. I need to save my energy for the scenes... I'll just channel my emotions as anyone else would do.

We finished the last scene involving me after about 4 hours of filming. I got a round of applause and standing ovation since my emotions and reactions were 'so raw'... a-fucking-mazing. I truly don't want to see her right now, shit's embarrassing. As I cringed at the thought of even possibly having anything to do with her she called and I ignored the call. She called again, I sent her to voicemail. She texted me a few times and called again, I put my phone on dnd. This is too much, this is one of the exact reasons I didn't want a relationship right now, I can't deal with this shit.

I rode back to the hotel with the rest of the cast after another 8 hours of filming, put my headphones on and tucked myself into the window. I made sure I couldn't hear anyone's voice, I'd rather hear my music, the music never fails me. I can't lie and say the chance of seeing Y/N in the hall isn't eating me up right now because it is. I wanted this to all go away, maybe I'm actually sleep or this is some sick joke? Fuck.

Arrival at the hotel was as swift as it could possibly be. I made my way to the elevator, as did the others. It's mad late and I'm tired. I want to cry but I don't want to at the same time. I hopped off at floor 3 and made a beeline for my room. I managed to get in without being seen, I sighed in relief as I ensured to lock the door. To my surprise when I turned around, there she was. The fucking spares, forgot we swapped.

"Jenna, let me expl-"

"Just leave... Please." I cut in with a disappointed tone.

"But babe I swear It's not what it looks like." She retorted.

I just looked at her and I could feel my insides heating up, I could feel the tears beginning to form. I didn't want her or anyone else to see me like this, heartbroken.

"Just go, I don't care." I specified in a more stern voice.

"Jenna, listen you know I wouldn-"

"GET... OUT. I don't have time for this, get out!" I yelled at her as a tear managed to fall.

She finally stopped protesting and walked towards the door. She walked with a look of defeat, I watched her let herself out. This shit is fucking enervating. I got myself a small snack and a bottle of water then headed to my bedroom. I pondered on the recent events, I may have slightly overreacted but I saw what I saw. I have the right to be upset right now, there's no plausible occasion that would warrant a kiss in the public's eye or even in private for that matter. I hope it's just a misunderstanding but I don't have the capacity to truly investigate or dive into this bullshit.

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