A Night To Remember

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"HAVEN'T YOU PEOPLE EVER HEARD OF CLOSING A GODDAMN DOORR NO" You yelled, singing along with the music and jumping around. You were borderline trashed, Yara had slipped you some water to keep you from going overboard but overall her and Dove were doing great with being there for you. Sure, you chose to get shit faced and smoke until you couldn't feel your body; friends are there to make sure you stay safe and don't post embarrassing videos to social media. "Doug! Doug, you gotta hit the fuckin drums", you yelled as you played air guitar to the song. Dove laughed at your sloppiness then walked you to bed with the help of Yara since the stairs were a death sentence alone. After you were fast asleep, Dove managed to sneak your phone. She knew the password so she opened it and searched for Aliyah's contact as she made her way back downstairs and turned the music down. She called the number on FaceTime and waited for an answer. Of course she'd answer your call. "Heyy- Oh?" Aliyah answered.

"Your sister broke Y/N." Dove stated.

"Uh okay, what do you mean? You know what... don't think I want to know." She responded.

Dove raised an eyebrow to the insinuation, "not like... that. You haven't talked to her recently?"

"Yea, yesterday for like a whole 2 hours."

"She didn't mention anything?"

"About Y/N? Noo, why?" Aliyah questioned.

There was a pause, Dove gulped, "well she broke up with her today. Literally, 4 hours ago."

Aliyah's mouth immediately dropped, "The fuck? What did she do? What happened?"

"Nothing! She literally was waiting for her call the entire day and when she finally got it, YOUR sister dumped her. It's a fuckin mess over here. Mind you, she just moved in with me so she could be closer whenever Jenna's home!"

"Wait. She's in California? She moved here?"

"She moved here. I stay in LA, she's right here... Well she's sleep now. Poor thing got high as shit and drunk as a skunk."

"Um... I don't know. Jenna is a completely different person when she's away filming, especially if it's over 4 months. She's probably just really stressed and needed to clear her plate. I'm sure it's not permanent." Aliyah established.

"Okay, that's the problem. She can't just toss somebody to the side when she's overwhelmed... So every time she films, she gets to dump Y/N? Knowing the girl will wait for her, however long it takes."

"I don-"

"What's going on? Who got dumped? Is that Dove Cameron?" Markus chimed in.

"Yes it is, Y/N got dumped." Aliyah responded.

Markus laughed, walking away. "Damn that's crazy, tough tits."

"Wait. Jenna broke up with Y/N?" He asked, realizing what that meant.

"Yea. Today." Dove confirmed.

"What the hell?" He confusingly stated.

Dove had ended the call with them after establishing there was no premeditated motive mentioned. She went back upstairs and placed your phone on the nightstand then walked back downstairs. Her and Yara managed to clean up your mess and make the place look good as new. Dove wasn't upset, she understood the mindset you were in. "She should've chose Olivia", Yara mumbled. Dove looked up at her and laughed. "No, literally. All jokes aside... You think it could still work?" Dove questioned. Yara shrugged at the thought. Maybe it could... Maybe it'd be a brew for disaster.


"No, bad timing. I'll meet you there though!" Dove spoke. She must've been on the phone with someone because you didn't hear anyone else. You pryed your body from the mattress, a rude headache began to spread across your noggin as you sat up. You groaned at the pain as you picked up your phone. The light immediately blinding you and agitating your headache. You grunted with anger and threw your phone across the room before sinking your face into your hands, sitting on the edge of the bed. You couldn't remember much but you could recall the reason you decided to make sure you felt like shit the morning after.

After a few minutes, you managed to brush your teeth and head downstairs to get some water. When you made your appearance, Dove asked how you felt and if you were okay. Of course you weren't okay and you felt like a pile of horse shit but you told her the opposite. You got some water and asked her to drive you to the store for a body armor drink so you could kill your hangover. She agreed and did just that, you quickly realized you were in the same clothes as the night before. You ventured into the store you had arrived at and made the transaction as quick as possible. Exiting the store you noticed a quick flash. You looked in the direction of it, low and behold it was some tabloid guy. "Smile pretty!", he demanded. "You can't be a jackass if you're dating Jenna Ortega", he snarled. Your jaw clenched and you felt your palm forming a fist at the sound of those words but you kept walking. You felt a hand grab your shoulder and pull you back, just at that moment your right fist swung. You had hit the man with a mean hook, knocking his glasses off and causing his nose to bleed. You heard Dove yell your name from her car and you almost felt bad for what you did but you didn't, he shouldn't have laid a damn finger on you. You walked back to Dove and potted yourself in the seat. She looked at you with a face of shock and concern but you didn't give a damn. It was the start of a new you, who knew heartbreak could turn you into a legitimate asswipe.

~~~~~~~~~~Jenna's POV~~~~~~~~~~~

"You broke up with her?!" Emma exclaimed. I couldn't help but give her a look of aggravation. Could she have said it any louder? I responded with a monotone voice, "yes... It's just too much right now. I can barely fit a conversation in with her and she doesn't-" Emma cut me off. "Doesn't what exactly? Because you never gave her the chance to understand so humor me." Emma butted in. I growled at her. Yes... growled. I never knew my personal life was such a pressing concern. I decided to walk away and go back to my trailer where I'd be alone and free of the meddling furry. Just my luck, I was stopped by Percy on my way there. "Hey, we're all going out for lunch. Did you wanna come?" He asked. I rolled my eyes, horrible timing. "No. I'm fine." I mumbled as I walked into my trailer and locked the door behind me. I didn't truly want to break up with her, I just can't deal right now. I began to feel a wave of emotions come over me: a mix of anger, sadness and regret. I called my dad as I usually do in any situation like this. I cried to him, bawled my eyes out. I felt like I was trapped in a never ending cycle of stress and desire for further achievement. Leave it up to the set of Wednesday to make me feel like a bucket of shit balls... and not the kind bunnies make. The day had finally come to an end, the entire cast got dropped off and went their separate ways. I had the urge to call Y/N but then I remembered. I dumped her yesterday, me. I did that and I can't keep blaming it on Wednesday. I know it's probably not the best method but I get so in character sometimes... I end up treating the people I love the most like shit when I'm working. I decompress once I get "home" then I remember who I am. A person, Jenna. Jenna Ortega, daughter of Natalie and Edward Ortega.... sister of Aliyah, Markus, Mia, Isaac, and Mariah Ortega. Not Wednesday Addams, I only get like this when I come in contact with her. Aliyah called me, immediately freaking out. I rolled my eyes, what she doesn't know won't hurt her.

Me: Aliyah! Okay, slow down, I didn't hear shit you said

Aliyah: Y/N punched some guy in the face and he's trying to sue! You broke up with her and now she's angry at the damn world

Me: Oh...

Aliyah: Yea oh.

Me: Well I missed the part where that's my problem. You said it yourself, I broke up with her.

Aliyah: Okay, sorry not sorry. You're being a bitch right now

Me: A bitch is a female dog, dogs bark. Bark is on a tree, trees are nature. Nature is beautiful... so thank you.

I hung up the phone quickly after. No. I don't have an explanation.


You had been dropped back off by Dove, she took off to go hang out with whoever she made plans with today. You found yourself scrolling on Instagram, bombarded with Wednesday updates and reposts of Jenna. Everything lead back to her, everything reminded you of her. Hell, you fucked your phone up because of her. You care so much and she's out living life. "She's probably with that twink now", the little devil on your shoulder voiced. "She's overwhelmed! Think about it, when has she ever showed she didn't care about you?" The miniature angel on your other shoulder countered. You swatted them both away, not wanting to do the back and forth. Instead, you picked up the liquor that was calling your name and sipped on it straight from the bottle.

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