Chapter 1

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'ring!ring!' my alarm blares while I just stare it. I have been staring at it for exactly five minutes and still have zero intentions of waking up.
I have one question in mind though...who the f-word created school and came up with the rule of getting there early.

I get out of bed and head to the bathroom. I slowly do my morning routine and put on the outfit I had chosen for today, which is ripped tight jeans,a tank top and grey Jordans, simple. I curled my brown hair yesterday and it still had volume. I got Lot of compliments on my hair and eyes, I'm often told I'm beautiful. I wish I could see what they saw.

I went out of my bedroom and headed to the kitchen, I find mom leaning on the counter, drinking coffee and swiping on her phone. She is So effortlessly gorgeous.

"Morning mom!"

I say as I took a cup out of a cabinet so that I can have some coffee too. We've always been coffee addicts, My mom fed me coffee since I was 9, which was illegal...I think...but she did it anyway.

"Good morning angel!"

She says then moves to kiss me on my forehead

"Are you excited for your senior year?" Mom asks,and starts rinsing her now empty cup.

" Of course Mom, my last year in that hell hole? I'm more than excited" I say excitedly. I really can't wait, I remember trying to convince my mom two years back when I was a sophomore to let me be home schooled, she refused saying I need to socialize and make new friends

Two years later and did not make any new friends. Still with friends with the person I've been friends since infancy, Sindy. So I guess I had wasted my two years.

" For someone who hates school so much, you'd expect them to get bad grades" my mom says

"No mom, I'm just proving a point, school is useless to me"I say then start rinsing my coffee mug. Mom goes upstairs to fetch her suitcase, yes... suitcase! She's a lawyer and I hope that explains the suitcase part.

I also follow her to get my school bag in my room. My phone dinged indicating a message

'Butthead: get your ass out of that house, don't wanna be late for my first Day'

Its a message from Sindy...I had totally forgot I told her to drive me to school today. I take my school bag, run out of my room and into mom's room, quickly kiss her forehead

"Bye mom. Love you and see at dinner." I quickly Say and fly out the door. There in her it's gonna break down any minute now car is Sindy, she's one of the people that get a glow every summer. I'm So jealous of her. This summer, she got highlights in her hair and changed her clothing style to early 2000's girly girl vibe. And she's got frickin curtains, and she's pulling them off. Wow!

" Hey ugly!" I say as I enter the car. Sindy chuckles

"Please, I'm probably the most stunning thing you've seen in your life." She says with all the confidence in the world

"Did you hear Kai got pregnant?!" Sindy says a lil too excitedly.

"Uhh, who's Kai?" I ask genuinely as I really don't care about the popular kids at our school

"Come on Nat!" Sindy says, obviously disappointed about my lack of interest in that.

"Everybody knows about know the girl that wears clothes two sizes small, goes out with Camden (possible father) but rumour says that she cheated on him with Zeke, Camden's older brother. Now she's pregnant and not sure who the baby's father is...and will probably never know looking at the fact that their brothers!" Sindy says in one breath and I shake my head. Girls at my school got way too much drama.

It all started in sophomore when my very best friend decided to lose her v-card to the douchiest guy out there... Kendrick Reign, I hate that guy with all my guts. Anyway, the douche decided to tell the whole school afterwards that Sindy was 'no good'. After that incident, it was now a story after story, it never ended til today.

Sindy continued with all the other dramas til she pulled up by the school park.

" So, who's your target this year?" I ask Sindy while she fixes her lipstick and hair in the cars mirror. Sindy has this thing of dating a different boy every year...and not to play with them. She actually catches feelings and fall in love and all other things but she doesn't go to a new year with a last year's boyfriend

"Tommy" Sindy says with a wide smile
"We've been talking over the summer and he's really sweet" she adds

Here I go again

"Who's Tommy?" I ask hesitantly. I really hope its not someone I have to know.
She sharply turns her head in my direction, yep! I think I have to know this Tommy

"Oh come on Nat, I once spent more than two weeks chattering about this guy non stop, he was my chem partner and I had and still do have a crush on him" Sindy semi screams in disbelief.

Don't really remember him

"Oh Tommy, yeah nice guy he is" I say quickly.

"You don't remember him do you?" Sindy asks and I smile cringly
" Of course I remember him, what do you mean by I don't remember him?! I do" I say , my voice now a lil high pitched. Damn it that sold me off

"Let's just go" Sindy steps out of the car, locks it and leads the way

We enter the school hallway and head straight to our lockers, which are five lockers away from each other. I put in all my books and take out  AP Literature book and My chemistry book and Geography book and it's fat heavy textbook.

"Hey Natalia" An annoyingly high pitched sweet voice calls. It's way too early for this

"Hey Lana!, Fancy seeing you here. I thought you got knocked up over the summer" I say with a pitchy voice to annoy her guts

" First of all, screw you. And second of all, that was Kai stupid, get your facts right... Anywho, I came to say I wish you a great great year" she says with an evil menace in her voice.

" So do I Lana, so do I" I say. Lana turns on the way too high heel and heads to who cares

I look to my left to see that Sindy has left, probably because we don't have same classes. Like at all. Curse  the universe.

I start to oh slowly walk to class when I got a message on my phone. I took it out of my back pocket when I crashed painfully into something. I fall and land on my ass, I decide to just lay the rest of my body down. I'm not getting up, I'm way too tired. But wouldn't it be weird to see a girl laying in the hallway? Nah, they'll see I wanna rest.

"Hello?, Are you okay or are you just gonna play dead" a deep boy-ish voice says. I peak at the person by opening my one eye.

Oh damn!!!!!This is embarrassing

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