chapter 3

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I lead Axel to the cafeteria and all the girls and I mean all of them couldn't keep their eyes off Axel.
" You're already a ladies man I see" I say and slightly nudged him using my elbow. He lightly chuckles.
I spot Sindy in our table wildly texting on her phone. I turn to Axel,

"Do you want some food?, You can join that Que."

I say and show him the Que. Axel slightly scrunches his nose.

"No thank you" I nod and lead him to where Sindy was. Until of course someone had to open their mouth

"Hey, you're are new here right? My name Is Lana, welcome." An annoying voice of says annoyingly.

Axel smiles with his eyes only. " Thanks and nice to meet you Lana" he responds and looks directly in her eyes, what's up with this thing of his and eye contact.

Lana blushes madly and even giggles, you should know, I'm mentally gagging right now.

" Would you like to sit at my table with my friends?"

Axel looked between Sindy and Lana's table

"No thank you, I think I'm just gonna sit with..." Axel pointed at Sindy insinuating I should finish his sentence

"Sindy" I quickly help out

"Yeah, Sindy." Axel answered

Lana had on a pretty disappointed face but quickly covered it up as soon as it appeared.

"Well Ax, if you ever change your mind, don't hesitate to just come over" Lana said, plastered a smile on her full-of-makeup face and walked away

"Well that was something" I sighed. Axel seemed to be in thought, he looked kind of hot, the whole staring at nothing look suited him

"Ax!" He finally spoke
" I don't like it" he said then put on a big frown on his face.
I couldn't help but laugh out loud

He gave me a look that said what
I shrugged
" But seriously Axel, did you have to think about it before deciding you don't like it?" I said still slightly giggling.

" I was still testing it out" he said then walked to my table and I followed him.
Axel stood near an empty chair as if sitting down would be intruding

Sindy was so in awe I wouldn't be surprised if she started literally drooling, I don't blame her though.

I decided to the appropriate thing and introduce them

"Sindy, this is Axel. Axel this is my friend Sindy" I sat down then took a sandwich from Sindy's plate who didn't notice at all

"Hey" Axel greeted before sitting down
Sindy smiled, looked between me and Axel for a few seconds

"Hey" Sindy said with a little too much enthusiasm and dramatically stretching the y.

Axel looked a little taken back but quickly recovered.

It was not long before Sindy asked how I knew Axel and we explained everything to her.

" My brother is coming tomorrow" Axel randomly said.

"That's cool, is he a freshmen, sophomore or a junior?" I asked

"No,he's a senior like me." Axel said before staring at something behind me

"I don't get it, how's he your..." Sindy was about to ask before seeing what Axel was looking at.

" Nat, breath okay?!, Just breath and Hayes is walking to our table right now...act cool."

Sindy quickly said and I didn't have time to do what she said I should do before she spoke again.

"Hey Hayes" Sindy said loudly and again stretching the Y.

"Hello Sindy, Natalia and..." Hayes said while weirdly staring at Axel waiting for an introduction.

"Oh- Uhm, hi, this is Axel, he's new and I'm his tourer " I quickly said barely breathing.

He is just so dreamy, the way he slowly blinks and those red lips almost like they're glossed. Wow!

"Hello Axel" Hayes said with a very wide smile. He's always been so friendly.

" 'sup dude" Axel stood to do that bro hug thingy with Hayes.

Hayden quickly placed my books on the table and went in for the shake. Axel pulled Hayes in and Hayes looked flustered afterwards.

He quickly collected himself.

"Oh, Natalia I was just returning your books...I'm sorry about that" Hayes said while awkwardly scratching his back neck.

" Thank you" I said immediately blushing.

"Cool, cool!" He said while walking backwards to his table, which is with Lana but okay.

"O-M-G!" Sindy dramatically said.
"What?!" I enquired.

"Hayes is so into you" Sindy said and I started chocking on her soda I had started drinking and Axel simply stared at Sindy.

"No way- wait really- wait you think he does, why do you say that?" I genuinely have no control over what comes out of my mouth right now.

Sindy enlarges her eyes "Nat, it's obvious even Axel saw that right?" She says directing the question to Axel

Axel looked uncomfortable for a second then answered "yeah! Definitely"

" Don't look but like look actually don't look but Hayes is busy throwing looks at our table, I'm telling you, this year is for you guys" Sindy says and goes to eat her sandwich only to find it gone.

She throws me a death glare.

"Oh would you look at the time, Axel we should go, I have to show you around more" I quickly said, grabbed Axel's arm and ran out of the cafeteria with him.

I laugh loudly when we get in the hallway.
"She would've killed me, believe me, so Axel, where would you like to go?" I asked him, he still seemed quite confused.

After I asked him that he seemed to lighten up a little bit

" I would love to see the library" he simply stated.
I stared him quite surprised
" You like to read?"

"Sort of" Axel answered. I stared at him suspiciously
" Sort of?" I asked while squinting my eyes
Axel chuckled
"Come on,just take me there" he impatiently said.
I smiled at him and lead the way.

We arrived at the library and we already had ten minutes of lunch left.

Axel entered and smiled, I looked around but there was no one in here just rows and rows of books, even the bookkeeper wasn't around.

I had to admit, this place was lovely and looked something like you would find in Pinterest.

"Well, the bookkeeper isn't here so you can't borrow a book and it's almost time up, so we should really go back" I said while looking at the time on my phone.

Axel proceeded like I didn't just say anything.

"Ugh Axel, you gonna get us I trouble" i said while following him anyway.

Axel got in between the rows and sat down

" I don't like reading, it's boring. It's quite in here, I love it." He said then patted a spot near him, signifying I should sit down.

"So..." He said and that's when the lunch is over bell rang.

Damn it, I'm going to be late again.


Getting detention this time?


Too may errors in this chapter, sorry😬, anyway pleasese😭😭Vote
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