Chapter 2

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You remember how I said I don't care about high school popularity...blah! blah! blah!
Well...there's an exception, a very dreamy exception

Hayes Knox

He is the most beautiful creature to walk this Earth. He used to be a cute kid when we were in elementary school but he got really manly during the summer in sophomore, worked out more I guess.
I had been crushing on him since 5th grade, and then after his glow up, I  just went crazy. It's his striking blue eyes that do something to me, they look so bright all the time and his thick lips and his cheeks...they look so soft.

I have fantasized about those eyes looking down at me but not in this extremely embarrassing situation...This ground better fuckin open up and swallow me...please

"Hey-hi-hello" i say as I lift my arms and lean on my hands a lil bit. Really cool Nat, Really cool.
Hayes chuckles and I suddenly really wanna ask him if he wants to make babies

"Hi Natalia" Hayes greets and starts to pick up his books and mine. Mind you I'm still laying down. I really wanna touch his hair, it's so long it keeps getting in his face when he moves his face.
The way he moves his lips effortlessly, I wonder how'd they feel like against mine

"Natalia!!" Hayes says while waving his hand in front of my face

"Yes?" I say while grinning widely. This could be like our first date, right here in the school hallway

" I said you should probably get to class, you're already late"

Now that swipes me back to reality.

"Wait-what?!, I'm late, I can't be late, I hate being late, cause I've never been"
I say.

I stand up and I start frantically picking my papers and phone and head to class...more like run there.

I get to chemistry and harshly open the classroom door. All right damn people! Y'all better mind your business. This...all this is the reason I hate getting to class late, all-eyes-on-you thing. I wanna die

" Glad you could join us miss Covey" Mr Turnip says, why do all teachers say that to late students anyway

"Yes sir" I really don't know how you respond politely to that, like do you say 'you are welcome or Thank you'

Before I could even walk back to class, someone else opens the door behind me.
Yes,Yes! I'm not the latest student, so take that Mr Turnip. I'm telling, this man probably would've given me detention on the first day of school.

"Class welcome our new student this year, please come introduce yourself "  Mr Turnip ushers the person behind me to come to him

" Natalia please go sit down" Mr Turnip says. I feel disliked. It's his tone. I fix my papers and realize I don't have my books with me. Oh crap! Where the flush are my books.
Oh! Oh,the universe loves me, since my books are to my future baby daddy... we'll get to talk again and probably kiss.

I rush to my sit on the second row to the back and that's when I get to see the guy who was behind me. Damn! This guy's hair is with a capital (s) shiny, and wavy and long.
All the girls Infront already fixing their hair and blushing, I know some of them have boyfriends, but I guess they just became single.

"Hey, My Name is Axel" He says monotonously. I'm tingling inside from how honey-like his voice is.
But I won't...I won't be like the girls in this class!, I have Hayes whom I have to stay loyal to.

"Please go take a sit" Mr Turnip instructs.

The is only one sit left in, not next to me, no, not behind me or Infront of me or in me...that's sounds really dirty and inappropriate. Anywho

Axel sits on the sit in front of the class, it's right in the middle. I feel like anyone sitting in front there makes eye contact with Mr Turnip all the time.

Mr Turnip starts a new topic about haber process and gives us some homework and then the class ends...I didn't do anything during the class as you know my books are to who??!!

I take my papers and prepare to leave class

" Natalia, Axel" Mr Turnip called us to his desk. Here comes detention on THE first day. What a way to start the year Natalia.

" Since you were late to me class miss Covey, as a punishment, I want you to show Mr Johnson around, be his tour guide for the rest of the day" Mr Turnip says. I look towards Axel and he seems bored, even through the entire class he seemed bored.
Wow, what a punishment, I'm dying!!

"Yes sir" I say and I feel the need to do the whole soldier, hand on the forehead thing. That would be funny

Axel and I walk out and Mr Turnip calls out
" And miss Covey, please stop calling me sir"

I laugh and look over to Axel, he is already looking at me.
" Hey, my name is Natalia but you can call me Nat" I give him my hand to shake
He looks at my hand and back at Me, he then shakes my hand.
We walk in silence for about three seconds

"Why is he saying you showing me around is a punishment " he says slowly, as if he's not sure with his words. it's cute

" Exactly what I thought!" I say with  enthusiasm.
" I thought he was going to give me a detention or something. Showing someone is not a punishment or maybe it is to him." I shrug. Axel's eyes show a slight hint that he might be amused .

" What class do you have next" I say after five seconds of silence. I don't like silence,
" I have English literature" he says again with unsureness in his words, he looks me in eyes when he talks to me. I can't do that, I'm a coward.

" Okay let me see your schedule!"

Axel hands me his schedule and it's almost exactly like mine
" Okay we don't have the same classes from now until lunch" I state. Me nods his head and takes his schedule

" Where is English literature?" He says just as I was about to leave.

"It's exactly five doors down" I tell him. He thanks me and heads there, he is also slow but confident when he walks. A lot of girls would find him hot.

I'm late again , this time for computer science. Damn it! I enter the class, explain to the teacher and he pardons me. The class finishes and it's finally lunch time, I rush to Axel so I can guide to the cafeteria. He was packing his books in his dark bag. He saw me and started walking towards me.

"Hey, how was English literature?" I ask him.

"It was fine but I'm not really a fan of school" he says and I can already tell me and this guy are gonna be friends.


Or more?!




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