Bottled Up Emotions

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IA was made on January 27th, 2012 by 1st Place Co., Ltd. On January 27th, 2017

She was always hard to tune and didn't have someone to talk to

After years she barely yelled or cried but got mad over the littlest things. Then one day she overslept too much always happy by herself when around others people see her as calm and collected. She was never sure of who she was.

"IA never cry around others they'll think you're weak!" "Oh okay, ma!"

She only had a few friends growing up expressing her emotions is kinda hard to do she bottles them up. Numbing herself to pain, fearing people seeing her true emotions.

"Soo making long stories short I uhh bottle everything up and act different around you all... even though I'm not really, okay... bullies can mess your whole life up but you can never let them hurt you in the future," IA told everyone

"Y'know Piko you ready to tell you're story yet?" Miki asked

"Uhh maybe not sure maybe after one more..." Piko told her

"Okay, lil bro I'll go! You'll all know why I'm so optimistic."

"Go ahead, Miki!" Fukase told her

~the end~

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