Overworking A Kind Heart

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SF-A2 Miki was made by the Company AH-Software Co. Ltd and was made on December 4th, 2009. When she came into the world she was prepared to sing for everyone.

Am energetic angel people adored she was always trying her hardest and everyone else just kept pushing her to try better.


"I'm sorry..."

"SORRY WON'T CUT IT MISS, Meet me in my office TONIGHT!"

"Okay, sir!"

She ran home to tell her brother everything...

"Miki, are you sure this is a good idea?"

"Piko if I go maybe it'll up my grades!"

"The one thing that is probably messing up your grade is your sleep schedule but if you think this is the best choice then go ahead! I'm not going to stop you!"

"So I always had to overwork myself to make them happy and proud. And I'm energetic because I don't want people to ever feel how I did!" Miki told everyone

"Well, that's just sad..." Fukase told everyone

"Fukase try to be more respectful!" Piko told Fukase.

"Sure okay(dumb V2...)" Fuakse told and thought 【btw () means thought and " means talking!】

Miki than asked Piko "You ready?"

"Oh uhh... sure..." Piko told Miki

IA then said, "We're not forcing you to tell you don't have to if you don't want to..."

"No IA I'll be okay!" Piko told IA

"Oh okay!" IA reapplied back

~The End~

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