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Draco's pov

Mother dragged me to this meeting father had with the other death eaters. I saw my aunt. "Draco! I'm so happy you could make it. I brought my son today so you two can have a play date" Aunt Bella smiled. "He's in the kitchen" I looked around the room before walking to the kitchen.

But to my surprise I didn't see someone unfamiliar I saw Cinnamon. He nearly jumped when he saw me but hit his head as he was in the process of making cookies. And he was grabbing the pan.

"You're my cousin." I asked quietly as I knew my father would slap me over the head if I interrupted his meeting. "Oh umm no not at all. I'm related to umm the man who killed Harry's parents" he sort of smiled before placing the pan on the counter "don't tell Potter that. I'm sure he'd have my head for just being alive." I kept quiet before removing my coat. "Let me help" he smiled and stepped to the side.

Soon the cookies were in the oven and we were sitting down, enjoying a sweet cup of chocolate milk. With whipped cream on top with chocolate shavings. "So you're my step cousin? Or just my friend?" I sat up a bit after putting down my cup. Not realizing I had whipped cream over the top of my lip.

"I'd like to keep us as friends" Cinnamon smiled and pointed at his face. "You-" I quickly wiped my face slightly embarrassed from letting that happen to myself. "So how are you aunt Bellatrix's son?" I glanced up at him then back at my cup.

"Well umm. It's confusing for me to honestly. Mom told me I was created my the little fragment of love my father ever possessed. Her ex husband had a son. With another woman. He died and that love was made into me, I've never met you know who or my real father but I am technically hers as she raised me as her very own." He seemed excited as he spoke.

Cinnamon looked around while bowing his head a bit. Showing a bit of his oddness "Behind bars" he smiled after as I smirked a bit, finding it funny. "Cinnamon!" I turned my head, seeing my aunt. "Come here darling I need you" she smiled as my friend got up quickly tending to his mother.

I was left alone. Soon fear started to overwhelm me. The quiet got so loud that when the timer went off I jumped out of my seat. Giving myself a panic attack.

I turned it off and used my wand to remove the batch from the oven as I slowly cowered onto the floor. Curling up and hiding my face into my arms. Knowing father will attack me for being loud and interrupting their meeting.

"Okay I will" hearing Cinnamon say through the door. Right after the door opened and I heard steps coming my way. "Draco? Your mothers servants brought Carmel ap-..." I heard him put down the tray, as I realized he found me crying. Looking up at him. "Draco? What's the matter?" He sat next to me.

I wiped my face quickly as he held a hand out then tapped my knee. Making me look at him quickly. Both of us stared at each other for a little while before I muttered out. "It's... it's my father. He hates it when..." I tightened my grip around my arms.

"Hm... I'll put in a good word for you." He reached up and grabbed an apple. "So these are your favorite snack?" Cinnamon smiled while holding it up to me.  I nodded while taking it from him then levitating a cookie to him. "Yours" cinnamon smiled.

Moron (Draco Malfoy x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now