Unexpected people

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Yin walked out of the train, walking up the steps and walked into the busy streets of Tokyo, Japan.

"God I ain't even let my school know that I wont be there... I didt even let Sho know-"

Yin muttered to herself as she was walking, when Yin looked up she crashed into a women's tits, right when Yin was about to apologize, the person next to the women spoke up.

"Yin? Is that you?"

"Oh shit, Lamya?!?"


"Oh yea! I'm sorry for bumping into your boobs!"


"eheh~ Hello Yin~"

"Is it just me, or has she gotten flirtier-?"

"Babes, shes a bit too flirtatious."

The girls started chatting with eachother, random walking to places.

"So Jazlene, how old are you now?"

"I'll be 26 in 4 months~ So I'm 25 darling."

"Damnnnn girl, you still into older guys..?"

"Depends on the age gap, if its anymore than 5 years, hell no. 6 may be accepted, depending on how the man treats me.

"Ok so- I have this teacherrrrrrr. He kindaa look likea bum- but istg hes not!"

"What's his name~?"

Jazlene and Lamya asked at the same time, lamya being interested if Jazlene might date said man.

"Hes a pro her-"

"Fucking hell."

"Eh-what happened?"

"I was dating a pro hero before.. Fucker lied to me about his age, I was dating an 22 year old! Mf wasn't even old enough to drink!"

"Wait.. The only pro that's 22.. is.."

"Fucking hawks. WE FUCKED TOO!" Jazlene whisper yelled to Yin, Lamya listening along closely.

"Wowwww... But no, my teacher is eraser head."

"Oh, Aizawa?"

"Yea, how'd you know?"

"I've been fuckin with the villains and pros for a bit~ I get info for the villains, I get info for the pros, they pay me."

"Oh, ok."

"Mhm, Aizawa is the one I usually give the information to, he doesn't really trust me tho."

"What? Why..?"

Yin and Lamya asked at the same time, wanting to know why shes untrusted.

"Hawks and I had a small public brawl.. Nothing much! But in the end I "played dirty" and ripped a few of his feathers off. Not my fucking fault he insulted my weight saying "YoUr ToO SkInNy, YoU lOoK siCk!" Like fuck off man"

"Damnnn he said that?" Yin asked, really into what shes saying.

"Yea! Like wtf bro?!? He was lucky I didt burn his ass. Then again, he so plain even if a white person made a Thanksgiving dinner it would have more taste than him."

"Ooo~Burnnnnn" Lamya giggled as she slapped Jazlenes ass.

"Wait I have a great idea! Lamya, why dont you transfer to U.A?"

Lamya was quiet for a little bit, then she spoke up.

"Well, I have a air quirk, so I dunno if that would be any use. PLUS, arnt you guys near the sports festival?"

Jazlene gasped at Lamyas response. Putting a hand over her heart and acting offended.

"So those three years I spent teaching and training you mean nothing?!?"

"I cant do muc-"

"Make air seats."

"We cant use our quirks out in pub-"

"Bitch my quirk is always on, make them."

Lamya sighed as she created 3 chairs, they were invisible, but there. Jazlene smiled as she answered for lamya.

"I'll try to enroll her~."

"Oh and Jazlene, you can become a teacher assistant! That way you can be with us, and get to know Aizawa!"

"Girl shouldn't you be in school?"

"I took the day off~"

"I'll think about it, don't blame me if I'm weird around your school tho. And dont expect me to cover my tattoos up."

"Yea yea."

Yin laughed as she caught up with some of her friends. Lamya and Jazlene gave Yin their phone numbers and left, Yin walking back home aswell.


Alr so u guys gotta be confused a lil bit-

Lamya is the same age as Yin, 16 or 17 idfk Jazlene is 25 bc ima ship her with zawa, Jazlene met Lamya when she was 10, she was 19. Jazlene thought lamya was gross and tried to leave her, yet lamya kept finding Jazlene. In the end they become friends. Jazlene knows Yin through Lamya, Yin doesn't know much about Jazlene though.

Jazlenes quirk: gather.

By touching a person she can store their quirk, it's like a inventory in her mind, she has to remember the quirk she copied to use it.

Lamyas quirk: Air.

Lamya can control the air around her. She can make things that are visible to her but not others. Drawback: Lamya might get lightheaded and pass out, or die.

Calvin's quirk: insult

The more he insults someone, the more he gets into their brain, making his words more powerful to their mind. His only drawback is if the person has a powerful mindset, his quirk wont be so effective.


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