chapter 1

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After Sodo showed you where his room was, he sent you off to go to your room to set it up to your liking. You put your clothes in the drawers, set up your blue fairy lights, and put up some polaroids of you and Papa, the ghouls you were close with, and some of your friends outside the ministry. A bed was pressed against the wall in the center of the room, a dresser on the left, and a desk on the right. The floor was carpeted and there was a bathroom attached to the room. You hummed, thankful that you now had your own bathroom. When you were just a sister of sin, you had to share a bathroom with all the other sisters.

Once you were content with how your room looked, you headed to get lunch because you skipped breakfast.

After lunch you headed back to Sodos room to officially start your first day.  All you would be doing is helping with anything he needed help with, so it didn't seem like it would be too much work.

You grabbed your keys and phone, put them in your pocket and headed out of your door.

You made your way down the hall to Sodos room once again, knocking on his door and waiting for him to answer.

He opened the door and huffed when he saw your face, his face immediately falling. You looked at him unammused, "You gonna let me in or are you just gonna continue to stare?" You asked, deadpanning him. "What if I dont want to let you in?" He asked with a smirk, crossing his arms like a child while leaning against the door frame. You sighed and pushed passed him and walked into his room. He just stared at her in pure shock before stomping towards the girl who was now sitting on his desk chair. "You can't just barge in my room like you own it." He practically spat out, "Calm down fire boy, I work with you now. You really need to work on those anger issues of yours." You rolled your eyes playfully with a smirk which made him snarl at you.

You sighed, "How about you sit down on the bed?" You suggested with a soft voice. "I'm not gonna do what you tell me to do." He huffed out.

"So you wanna stand the entire time?"

"...Yes." He answered, sounding unsure.

You chuckled at this, you then crossed your arms with your eyebrow raised. He slowly moved towards the bed and sat down, you smiled before rolling the chair closer to his bed.

"Ready to start?"


"Sodo.. your acting like a child"

He groaned and threw his head back. "I really don't want to do this."

"Me either, but I don't really have a choice. It's either this or me getting kicked out onto the streets."

"The latter sounds like a great option" He glared at you. "Honestly rethinking my choice now." You said as you rolled your eyes at him.

"Good, the church will be better without you. I know i'll be happy." He chuckled. "What the fuck did I ever do to you, dude?! Why are you such a dick, we barely talked before this so what is making you hate me!?" You yelled at him, honestly getting frustrated. His eyes went wide as you stormed out of his room, slamming the door on your way out. He ran his hands down his face with a loud groan.

You stomped your way to copias office, fuming. You knocked on his door quite aggressively, once you heard the "Come in!" You automatically went in, sitting in the chair in front of his desk.

"Woah woah woah, what is wrong cara? You are red in the face, you look very angry." You grunted in frustration as you clenched your fist, trying to calm yourself. You let your head fall onto his desk with a loud bang. "Just let sister kick me out. If I continue working with him im gonna end up hurting that bitch." You said through gritted teeth, knowing damn well you stood no chance against a ghoul. Nonetheless a very hot-headed fire ghoul. 

"Fiore... please just give it a little longer? Try to adjust, si? I know how he is, just try to work with it. You only have to work with him until 6, that's just a couple hours away."

"I'll try my best but no promises, Papa. If you come to see me one day and I'm not here, you know why." You lifted your head from the desk to look at him in the eyes.

"Don't speak like that, Y/n. I promise you that I will not let Imperator kick you out. I love you dearly, you know this. I'll protect you no matter what, my child." He told you with a stern voice, moving his hands across the desk to hold yours.

Tears glossed over your eyes, you weren't going to cry but the surface if your eyes shine. "Copia, I love you. Thank you for everything you've done for me."

You just sat there in comfortable silence with Copia, he always knew how to calm you down. Once you've collected yourself, you said your goodbyes then you walked out and made your way back to Sodos room.

You took a deep breath to calm yourself down even further and then knocked three times. He immediately opened the door and rolled his eyes.

"Roll your eyes all you want but the only reason I'm staying is for Copia, I couldn't care less for your sorry ass." You said and he opened his mouth to speak but you cut him off, "Now can you please, for the love of Satan, let me in." You said in a calm voice. He just stepped aside to let you in without saying a word.


This is shorter than the other chapters will be, I'm aiming the chapters to be 1500-2000 words, but let's just say this is a warm up chapter for chapter 2.

I hope yall enjoyed!

A Ghouls Assistant (sodo x reader)Where stories live. Discover now