Chapter 19: Talk to Me

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I walk to a glass cabinet full of stuffed yellow teddy bears. I slide open the door and dive my hands at the bears. I start meddling with the fluffy bears. My hand grazes on all the bear heads. They all feel good under my fingers.

It reminds me of how I would imagine the wolf fur would feel under my hand. My eyes rose and I step back.

I did not just think that.

The wolf tries killing me before and I held a gun to his head. That is messed up. I imminently shut my eyes tightly and shake my head.


Both my hands crept up to cover my face. I feel something warm over my shoulder I tear my face away from my hands and turn around.

"Elizabeth, are you alright?" Mrs. Baccman asks with her hips twist and her lips mirroring the same motion. Her heavy skin bulges out towards me with a green floral apron protecting her clothing from the stains of the flowers.

I study her for a minute. Her face looks stress and the lack of sleep is slightly showing.


Probably I shouldn't bring up the drunken guy. It will make her even more worried. Then again, she needs to know that one of her customers did.

"I am just thinking of last night," I say as low whisper.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I nod slowly but unsure how she would take it. She lets go of my shoulder and turn to her bar stool. I follow and sit beside her. I take a deep breath to calm myself down with my arms gripping onto the stool for dear life.

I turn to face her in the eyes with my hands fold, "Mrs. Baccman, last night I was walking home because Sammy had previous engagements with his arriving family." I stop to glance at her to soften the blow but she motion for me to go on.

"One of your customers appeared and smelled of alcohol, he followed me home and continuously try to "talk" to me, twice," I look directly at her only for her to give me the impression of being in shock. Her eyes darken and the bags under her eyes show deeper.


This is what I was worried about. "I simply beat him and he ran away," more or less. I didn't want to tell her about the wolf, she has enough to worry about. Her eyes soften and she allows her tense body to relax.

"Are you alright?" she asks, with panic trailing in her voice.

"I am fine," I reassure her.

A minute of silence goes by when she gets up and with one movement faces me, "did you see his face?" I bend my head and thought about his face but all I could think of is the wolf and his eyes.

I close my eyes and focus my mind to his face a blurry vision came into view.

"I don't know his name is right now, but I do know he is a customer here. I remember because I helped him the last time he was here," I say a bit jumble together but a harsher tone. My arms fold tightly together and my brows came together remembering what he said. I scowl at the thought.

My mind soon drifts to the second meeting and the wolf.

"I believe you if that is what are on your mind," she says snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Oh, no. I was just thinking of the meeting," I say with a broken smile reaching my hand to meet her wrist.

She nods and says very softly, "did you tell Sammy?"

My smile grew, "I didn't... tell him the full story. Today when I'm finished work I will tell him." I didn't forget that Sammy is an officer of the law and the look in her eyes told me she doesn't either.

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