Chapter 34: Trial by Fire and Ice Part 3 of 3

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Omg! The hardest chapter everrrrrr! Hope you enjoy because it took a lot out of me to jot this all down


The fire rises to kiss the night sky and it arms expand like an octopus to burn out its pathway. Many stars shines dim and the moon hides behind passing clouds as the fire eats its nearest victim.

The curtains of snow does nothing in the fires quest to grow. It scorching fingers touches the outer-walls as it hand stretches out towards the snow covered trees. The fire feet crashes against an inner building, boasting its way onto the walls and crumbling bricks left in its path.

The birds nestled in their trees flap their wings in panic and retreats away from the fire. The birds wings' is long as ten feet and wide as four feet. Their metallic green, dark yellow, pop grey, and tints of black feathers covers the nights sky. Their deep lungs, sharp claws, and deadly beaks are warnings to their preys.

In the distance pass the power plant- in the shadows of the night- there are silhouettes of long antler deers running. Their thick red coats protect their limber body. Their long legs give them height and their strong hind legs give intimidation when standing on two. Their two antlers are long and curve its way symmetrically apart. New curves form out of the main antler and is decorated with leaves crowning his or her head. They are fast runners avoiding the need to blend into the flush white snow.

"The door is sealed! The heat of the fire caused the system to lock down to contain any nuclear reaction," Sammy says to Charlotte. The power plant is on red alert and the loud constant beeping made the wolves agitated.

Sammy tries to pry the metal doors open using his fingers. He forces his weight on his feet and back. Sweat pours down his face and his face is twisting the harder he pry. He swipes his wrist across his brow to wipe of the sweat in a quick motion.

Aiden stares at the worried wolves pacing about on the fallen snow. His eyes trails back to the mountain they emerged from and to the water spitting out of its shoot.

"Maybe if we try ramming the door..." Aiden says coming closer to Sammy. Sammy looks at him skeptically but shakes his head. He looks back at the wolves and nods his head. They both take a few steps back and shifted themselves toward the doors.

They both sprint in sync and collides with the metal door as the heat starts to get under their skins. The impact makes a loud thump and their arm muscles starts to sore.

"While you two brutes continue doing that, the Praesuls found a better way to get in," Charlotte says looking at the wolves grip onto the brick wall with their claws. Their faces are masks of worry and wiliness to get over the power plant walls.

Aiden and Sammy mouths drop to the floor as their eyes follows' the wolves. The wolves sharp claws hook onto the outer-wall and pushing themselves upwards to the sill of the wall with snow falling on their heads. They shake off the snow every few minutes until their paws reach the top of the wall.

Their hair wildly plays on their skin with the wind. Their breath have frozen with the cold resulting in the exhaling of a white smoke. They are all panting and their tongues are slicking out of their mouths. A barking noise comes from the wolf nearest to the door. The second wolf sniffs it nose to the plant and joins the first wolf barks. Two wolves jump into the power plant landing on their feet. The third wolf runs on the narrow wall ledge to the doors. The last wolf sneeze and shakes it head.

The third wolf opens a latch on the top right hand corner. The wolf stares at both men and follows the first two wolves. The last wolf fidgets on the ledge, looking at the length from the ledge to the floor.

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