Chapter 35: Alone in the Dark

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Chapter 35: Alone in the Dark

My eyes feel heavy and my cheeks feel numb. The wind holds no boundaries as it precedes to whip my body.

I try to move my index finger but it is frostbitten. My eyes falls upon my legs and I try to move my toes but they're is stiff as a rock.




I open my eyes to snow falling from the dark night. The cold snow is brutal to my body. Closing my eyes, I start to breathe at a slower rate.

In and out.

In and out.

With every minute that passes I pick up the pace and my breathing becomes faster trying to get my heart temporarily rate up.

I feel my arms coming back to life but not my legs. Still breathing fast, I jolt my back onto my ribs.

A deep discomfort escapes my lips as I catch myself on my two ulnas bones with my face touching the ground.


My lips are dry and chapped from the cold and my eyes are still heavy but I continue to breathe because my life depends on it. I tremble with every movement my body makes but I press on.



I see the latch for the door almost hiding away under the fallen snow. The falling snow almost blinds my vision to see beyond my wrist with itself falling like icicles.

I stretch my hands to the latch with my feet desperately coming alive.


My feet drags along the cold floor making a scuffing noise. I open my mouth hoping that a sound would exit. I close my eyes tightly and inhale the air surrounding me, I exhale with my vocals but I hear nothing.

Not one sound comes out.

My knuckles stretches forward hitting the wood. I raise my left hand with the last bit of energy and pull the latch open.

My mouth falls dry and my hopeful stare turns into a sorrowful scowl. Forcing my tiring eyes back towards the house, I see nothing but the white storm.

The house is barely noticeable meekly sitting under the snow.

My arms pull my body into the hopefully warm structure, away from the bitter cold my skin currently feels.

A creaking noise awakens when my back pushes against the doors' back. I crawl to the edge of the door and look back to where I laid unconscious. It is soon forgotten by the overturning of snow covering my tracks and forgetting the event took place.

My adrenaline is fading and my breathing is starting to adjust itself at a regular rate.


I am more aware of my heavy eyes are feeling the bruise of the night and the cuts on my arms from dragging myself seems to burn than everything around me.

I cautiously turn my eyes into the structure I am in. My eyes grew as it takes it all in. Wooden beams lines the roof and the walls acting as the foundation of the shed. A simple inclosed shed lit by a handful of Christmas lights and one main light bulb dangling at the center of it.

It feels cold in here but it is better than outside.

I wonder how is Springfield handling the storm and if much will survive.


My feet awakens and I hold onto the door for support. I get up slowly with my cracking knees in pain but I persevere.

My eyes soon gets use to the lack of light and alluring itself to everything the light shines on and gives form. They're reconstructing this shed because it looks new.

Some shirts scattered on the floor, a mat off to the side, and a few pieces of paper on one of the beams.

"Hello?" I say to myself hoping that no one answers.

No reply.

I am very aware my pants are dripping wet from the melting snow making it seem colder.


I'm going to catch a cold by mornings light.

I walk further in hearing the whipping wind slapping the sheds' external walls. My eyes greedily takes everything in the shed in.

"Hello?" I repeat.

No reply, well, that's good I am thinking optimistically. I exhale and the frost taking my breath.

I move further inward towards the darkness. As I am getting closer my eyes adjust to the lack of light. My surroundings are becoming clearer.

In front of me stands a giant grid trimmed with wood. The grid is from floor to ceiling, two rows and four columns. Hay and sheets are nestled in between each cube. Each cube is made like a bed... each has different color pillows and blankets to match.

The scent is erratic and distasteful.

My eyes grows with the size of the structure and detail. My hands flew to my mouth and I start to back up almost tripping on an object.

I spin around and pick up the object. I smile noticing how small it is. It is dark brown encasing, rectangular shape, and about the shape of a postcard but thick as a novel. My hands press around the sides noticing how dirty it is. It felt like leather. I flip it noticing its a book of some kind. My lips meets the book edge to blow off the dust.

As I blew my eyes falls upon a separate bed-like structure. The structure is standing in a grotto. It is made of wood and encasing in itself. It has a matching bed set and unorganized like the rest.

The bed set overlays the simple wooden frame. The frame is unlike the others, it has a pattern engraved. It's pattern is like the dinner table inside of the house.

My eyebrow grew heavy and I want to walk closer but the object in my hand grows heavier and with anticipation my eyes attention are back to it.

My eyes fight between the structures and the book. Taking my palm, I rub of the remainder of dirt off.

The words on the cover are tantalizing, it reads, "Hunter's Journal"

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