Jimin and Jin

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{Author's Note} First, I wish to state that this fic is posted on AO3 under a pen name. I am Sandra on Wattpad but I also also publish this fic there...both are me...I am not stealing anyone else's work. I am simply putting this story here as a trial run to see if I want to work on Wattpad again or just remain on AO3.

Jimin and Jin

The first thing that passed through Park Jimin's mind as he woke was that the ceiling did not match the one he remembers from the hotel room. Although it was an upper class room he had found his eyes drawn time and time again to a small water stain in the part of the ceiling right above the large wall mounted television. Jimin kept thinking that someone should say something to the hotel staff about it; if the ceiling sprung a leak then the t.v. would fast become an expensive pile of junk.

The next thought that passed was that the bed he was laying on was incredibly soft, the sheets caressing his skin like silk, the pillows under his head clouds of softness. Jimin's body automatically rolled into a full length stretch as it stirred to life from a deep sleep that he couldn't remember the last time he had had. The tour was taking its toll on all of them but the fans in America had been so pumped during the concerts that all of BTS had felt the need to give it everything they had to return the love they were being shown. His body now felt weighed down as if he had slept much longer than just a few hours.

As Jimin sat up the first uneasy tremor ran through his frame as he looked around the room. This was definitely not the hotel room that he had come to right after the concert. His gaze moved around taking in the muted yellow walls and artwork gracing them. Jimin could see glass double doors partially covered by heavy drapes in a color between gold and yellow. A door to the left of the drapes was opened revealing what was clearly a bathroom. He moved cautiously pushing the sheet from his body, then scooting to the side of the bed and standing. A momentary dizziness threatened to send him to the floor but Jimin closed his eyes for a second and stiffened his knees forcing himself to stay upright.

When the world stopped spinning behind his eyelids Jimin opened his eyes and took a few slow steps forward grasping a door handle. When he pulled the door open he felt the tremor inside grow. It was a large walk-in closet. Jimin felt his body begin to shake on the outside as he beheld rows of clothes in varying styles, from casual to sleepwear and formal. Shoes lined the far back wall, sneakers to loafers.

There was a vanity table with a mirror opposite the rows of hanging clothes; a full standing case opened showing all manner of jewelry. The sparkle and shine are enough to make Jimin blink.

Backing away from the closet door until his knees hit the frame of the bed Jimin instinctively turned to the bedside table searching for the phone that he knew had set to charge while he slept. Instead of the uniform pale brown wood of the nightstand he remembered placing his phone and charger on his gaze locked onto the white table outlined in gold-leaf. The tremors turned to full body shudders as Jimin reached out picking up the plain yellow card lying on the table, the words written in Hangul stealing his breath.


Dropping the card Jimin frantically rushed to the only other door in the room that was straight across from the glass double doors. Fear grew as his efforts to turn the knob and open the door met with failure. Blind panic set in as he started to bang his fists against the door yelling for his hyungs.


Kim Seokjin promised himself no more celebratory champagne provided by the hotel right before sleeping. Namjoon had insisted on raising a glass to commemorate another sold-out and wildly successful concert on the American leg of their world tour. Even Taehyung had joined in the toast although they all knew he disliked the taste.

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