Jungkook, Hoseok & Taehyung

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                                                       Jungkook, Hoseok & Taehyung

Jeon Jungkook stretched every muscle in his body protesting. It was hard for him to wake, something his hyungs complained about all the time. Jungkook was having a harder time than usual though. His whole body felt as if he were trying to move through water that was pulling at him from every direction.

Groaning as he sat up Jungkook forced heavy lids to open, sleep dried eyes taking in the pale gray walls; glass double doors letting sunlight peek through the matching gray drapes that covered them. His mind was struggling to take in and catch up on what his eyes were seeing.

There was no large screen television hanging on the wall facing the bed. Instead there was a huge framed picture of what looked like the cityscape of Seoul at night. Crawling to the end of the bed Jungkook looked at the floor around the bed seeking the suitcase that he remembered tripping over before collapsing into bed.

Not there.

Nothing about the room he now found himself in resembled the hotel room that made up his last memory before the darkness of sleep had overtaken him.

Moving off the bed Jungkook was now wide awake.

The sensation of silk against skin caused him to pause briefly as he looked down at himself in gray silk pajamas. He wanted to convince himself that this was some strange lucid dream but as the seconds passed with the clearing of his sleep-fogged brain Jungkook was sure that in reality he had stepped into a nightmare. He clearly remembered dressing in his usual sweats and t-shirt before climbing into the lumpy hotel bed, mentally counting down the days until he could return to his soft bed back home in Korea. This was not his hotel room and Jungkook knew every nook and cranny of his room back home, so what was going on and was he the only one having this experience?

He made his way to what looked to be the main door of the bedroom and tried the door handle. He wasn't altogether surprised to find that the handle would not turn and it refused to open. A small voice in the back of Jungkook's mind was telling him that he was being too calm about the situation that he should be yelling as loudly as he could and pounding his fists against the door. Or at the very least he should be attempting to kick the door down.

Resisting the urge Jungkook turned away from the door moving back into the main space where the bed sat. He could see an open door that led into a bathroom as well as another door next to the large bed where he had woken. With growing apprehension Jungkook walked to that closed door pulling it open. His stomach began to roll as fear set in.

A walk-in closet filled to the brim with clothes, shoes and other accessories such as make-up and jewelry. In the blink of an eye Jungkook could tell that this closet held more than his personal one back home in Korea.

That information funneling through his brain had his heartbeat going into overdrive, his breathing coming out in fearful gasps. Stumbling back away from the door Jungkook fell into the bedside table knocking a gray index card to the carpeted floor.

At first the printed words written in Hangul made no sense to Jungkook. As he picked the card up from the floor his fear became outright terror as the words finally sank into his mind.


Jungkook dropped the card as if it were on fire, pressing tight fists to his mouth attempting to hold in the scream that was rising from the pit of his stomach and fighting its way into his throat.

'Where were the others?' he thought. 'Are they trapped like me or are they safe back at the hotel?'


Jung Hoseok was one of those fortunate people who could go from sound sleep to wakefulness in the blink of an eye. It was something that had come in handy on several occasions be it concerts, Run BTS episodes or music shows. He could nap whenever the opportunity arose yet come awake bright eyed and ready to go for the next few hours. The other members, especially Yoongi, always grumbled about it to Hoseok's amusement.

Now Hoseok struggled against the sleep that weighed him down. He fought through the sludge of unconsciousness, his brain telling him that this sleep was unnatural. A long buried primal instinct fired through Hoseok's mind screaming danger.

His body finally obeyed and he sat up blinking as his eyes took in the whole of the room that was not the hotel room Hoseok shared with Namjoon.

Pale green walls adorned with several pieces of art. What he took to be a balcony door was covered with darker green drapes next to a door to the left partially opened showing the inside of a spacious bathroom. Hoseok could see another door out of the corner of his eye next to the bed. This was a bedroom that spoke of wealth and privilege, definitely not the room he had fallen asleep in.

A bright flash of green caught his attention. Looking to the bedside table where normally his phone would be lying he saw the green index card. Hoseok reached out a trembling hand and picked up the square piece of paper. His blood turned to ice as he read the words inscribed in Hangul.


Throwing the card down Hoseok jumped out of the bed barely taking note of the green silk pajamas he was wearing instead of the boxers and t-shirt that was his usual nighttime attire.

He threw open the door next to the bed, his breath catching in his throat at the sight of the vast walk-in closet filled with all manner of clothes and shoes. Stepping cautiously into the closet Hoseok grabbed a shirt off one of the hangers, the Gucci label glaring up at him. A quick glance told him that it would be a perfect fit, as if it had been tailor-made just for him and his style.

Hoseok threw the shirt down as if it had suddenly scalded his hand, backing out of the room he frantically looked around spotting the only other door to the room. He ran to it pulling and twisting at the knob but it refused to move showing that he was indeed locked in.

The primal instinct took over his whole brain as Hoseok began to pound hard on the door yelling as loudly as he could.



The loud pounding sound was the first thing Kim Taehyung became aware of as he struggled to pull himself from sleep. The second was recognition of Hoseok's voice yelling.

Thinking that he had overslept, Taehyung sprang from the bed. It took a couple of steps away from the bed before his eyes fully opened enough and cleared to realize that something was very wrong. The pounding stopped and Hoseok's voice ceased as Taehyung gazed around the lavish room he found himself in.

The whole room was opulent in varying shades of white with what Taehyung could clearly tell was museum quality artwork gracing the walls. He could see a door that led to a balcony as well as a glimpse of a luxurious bathroom next to it. It was much bigger than his dorm room back home and twice the size of the hotel room he had fallen asleep in.

The realization that this was not his hotel room had Taehyung's eyes widening in sudden fear as he spun in a slow circle. He caught sight of the index card propped against the bedside table lamp moving swiftly to snatch it up. His heart stopped then jump started twice its normal beats as he read the words printed in Hangul.


The banging resumed and Taehyung could now make out Hoseok's voice yelling to be let out.

Without conscious thought he walked to the only other door he could see at the moment twisting the unresponsive door handle. The white index card fluttered to the floor as Taehyung followed Hoseok and started yelling and beating his fists against the door.

To Be Continued

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