Yoongi & Namjoon

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Yoongi & Namjoon

Min Yoongi loved to sleep. However, the other members of BTS teased him about being part cat, Yoongi liked to think there was some truth to the jokes. It wouldn't have surprised him a bit to find out that he had been a feline in a past life. Behind his family, BTS brothers and music, both creating and performing there was nothing that made him happier than snuggling down under a thick blanket and letting the sandman carry him away into dreams.

But there was something about this sleep that bothered Yoongi...it felt all wrong.

So Yoongi forced his eyes to open, pushing his body to fight its desire to slip back into the sweet darkness of unconsciousness. He struggled to make sense of what his sleep blurred eyes were seeing. This was not his hotel room, not by a fucking longshot.

Springing cat-like from the bed he gazed around at the soft peach colored walls that made him slightly sick to his stomach and swore.

"What the fuck?"

Yoongi prowled around drawing back the heavy drapes revealing an unfamiliar landscape. Definitely not the cityscape of L.A. that had been the view from the room he had gone to after the concert. Moving to the room next to the balcony doors Yoongi looked around a luxury bathroom in the same nauseating shade of peach as the bedroom. He walked back to the bed, then around it spotting another door.

The large closet filled with clothes and shoes that were clearly new but had not been purchased by him or the company had Yoongi growling in growing anger.

Was this another stupid fucking prank?

After the one played on them while in California filming American Hustle Life that had resulted in all of them suffering nightmares for months after PD-nim had promised them never again.

So what the fuck was going on?

Turning away from the open closet door, Yoongi spotted the index card on the bedside table. He picked it up, read the Hangul printed on it then angrily crumpled up the card and threw it across the room.


"FUCK YOU!" Yoongi yelled, running to the only door he had not yet tried.

No surprise to find it firmly locked and that only made Yoongi's anger grow. Where the fuck was he and what about the others? How the hell had he gotten from his hotel room to wherever this place was? Were they trapped in rooms like this one with some sick freak's welcoming message greeting them too?

Yoongi's anger began to fade as he took in the obvious wealth of his surroundings and thought about the closet filled with clothes. Whoever had pulled this off had the means and the money to sneak into an American hotel, kidnap one or more idols and transport them to heaven knows where. Yoongi felt panic begin to set in as those thoughts swirled round and round in his mind.

Fighting to control the panic that was threatening to overwhelm him, Yoongi put his back to the door and let it brace him as he slid to the carpeted floor. He wrapped tight arms around his knees burying his face into his curled body.

Silently to himself Yoongi begged, 'Please let this be some fucked-up drunk nightmare or a stupid prank that I can yell at PD-nim for...please.'


The last thing Kim Namjoon remembered was crawling into bed wrapping himself koala-style around Hoseok and snuggling his face into his lover's neck causing him to giggle his bright sunshine laugh.

Now Namjoon found himself waking to an empty bed.

"Hobi-ah..." Namjoon called out softly as he sat up.

As he blinked and the room came into focus Namjoon realized that something was very very wrong. He felt like he was in the middle of a Pepto-Bismol nightmare. The whole room was washed in varying shades of pink, the wall, drapes, carpet and even the bedcovers lying over his lap. Horror came over Namjoon as he found that he too was covered in pink silk pajamas.

"HOBI-AH!" He yelled this time as he scrambled from the bed getting tangled in the sheets causing Namjoon to knock his elbow on the bedside table and land hard on the floor.

"Shit..." Groaning Namjoon grabbed his elbow and tried to rub feeling back into an arm that had suddenly gone numb. It was then that he noticed a pink index card that had fallen from the table and fluttered down to land on his chest. Picking it up with his still tingling hand Namjoon turned the card over reading the printed words in Hangul.


Managing to untangle himself from the sheets Namjoon got to his feet but before he could take a step to further investigate this strange room he now found himself in a voice filled every corner of the space.

"Now that all of you are awake you will have one hour to wash and dress yourselves. An hour from now when you have completed your given tasks the doors will unlock and you will be escorted to the dining room for refreshments. If any of you fail to complete your tasks in the time limit given, your room will remain locked and you will be unable to see any of the other members of BTS."

Namjoon grabbed his head as he whispered, "Oh My God..."

To Be Continued

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