Your/his secrets & Your job

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You have telekinesis as your power.
You can erase, bring back, or alter one's memories, sometimes thousands at the same time. A reason why Steve chose you.
Your parents hate Hulk, but you're different from them, you think Hulk's just misled
Tony secretly built a suit and named it after you (that's boring right? Can't think of anything else :p)
You're father is Odin's best friend, making you an Asgardian like Thor. In fact, you're born one year after Thor.
You're foster parents were actually killed by HYDRA, Pietro himself to be specific. But you don't blame him cause he's protecting his sister
Clint was married, but then his family left him. (:p all for the story)

Your Job

Bucky: SHIELD agent
Bruce: Pepper's assistant
Steve: diplomat (idk why...)
Tony: specialist on alcohol(scotch for example)
Clint: bird specialist
Pietro: dancer
Thor: harpist

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