i- How To Practice Self-Love

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Wake up after 11 am
Shatter that mirror into pieces
Wear that red lipstick if you want
Don't wear that lipstick if you don't want
Walk slowly and look at the sky
Make up nonsense shapes for the clouds
Arrive on time wherever you go
Smile more than you want to
Smile at your problems and fears
Walk past that store that's playing your all-time bop and jam to it
Get a cupcake, get several cupcakes
Don't count the calories and just eat it
Do your job like a pro
Actually, do everything like a pro
But cry if you need to
Scream, punch a wall if you need to
Don't keep it all to yourself
Tell others what's bothering you
Someone may be feeling the same
Love, laugh at yourself giggling over someone
ACCEPT your imperfect self 

Because imperfection is the source of all things truly beautiful in this world.

*Written on February 13th 2018*

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