ix - High School

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High school is exactly like a mask ball
You must choose your outfit right,
Either stand out or be all the same
Lower than that, you'll be eaten alive.

High school is exactly like a mask ball
You ought to keep your composure
for as long as it's necessary. 
Take your mask out and you'll be eaten alive.

High school is exactly like a mask ball
The prettiest girl is the best dressed
'No need to unmask darling, we don't
want to see what you have behind it'

I have been to high school, I've not been to a ball
Hiding behind a plastic cover and studying the script
Of every day's lies was not fit for me. I undressed.
Everyone stared at that naked girl, horrendous.

But the support I expected from elders, where did it go?
They too look at my nudity disgusted with my anomalies.

I have been to high school, I've not been to a ball
Seems like nobody liked my carnal dress
The truth I intended to wear. 
'But a carnal dress won't make you pretty, go back home bring something witty!'

But I have nothing witty to wear
Nor do I have the brilliant, shiny hair
I had a Happiness mask and I wore it everyday
And it hid a deep state of sadness, it never got away

'Darling, you need to keep it in your face'
I can't do it, it's melting without leaving a trace
For the endless tears burnt the hell out of it
Is this what freedom stands for?

I have been to high school, I've not been to a ball
But when I do and I will, I'll go as I'm pleased
Wear the dress that makes me soaked with bliss
I'll show my face and smile at you all
Because you'll look the same in this beautiful ball

*Written in May 20th 2018*

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