xxvi - A Clock With Dying Batteries

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Everyday the clock was there 

Just there, for everyone to feel 

The passing and anticipation of time 

Everyday the clock encountered billions of souls 

Of tired ones who anxiously contemplated 

The passing of time 

Mothers weeping and waiting for their sons 

To return home after adulting 

Blue collars waiting for the pay check 

And a sense of purpose 

Everyday the clock was just there 

For everyone to see 

And no one ever saw or realised 

With the passing of time 

The clock's ticking slowed down 

Slower, slower and slower 

Until one day 

Nobody noticed its last ticking 

Everyday the same routine 

Of serving others tirelessly 

From as early as possible 

Until the last hour of the night 

The last pair of batteries were reaching its end 

But no one thought to help the helpful clock 

"It's just a clock, we can get a new one" 

Yes, it's just a clock after all 

It was there for your birthdays 

And wedding, and funerals 

Let's get another one 

Unwillingly, I became the clock I stopped at the station 

Stared at it for too long 

Saw it cry when no one else did 

And when I tried to replace its batteries I became the clock myself 

Trapped in the same mundane routine

*Written on February 29th 2020*

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