35. Game Day

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"Peach please don't make me get up," Luke mumbled into a pillow, pulling my comforter further up his torso.

I couldn't help but giggle at his current state, curly hair poking out in every direction, puppy dog eyes boring into my soul as he pouted up at me, firmly gripping my calf as I attempted to crawl out of bed.

Living with Katrina for the past couple weeks has been everything I'd hoped it would be and more, and I finally feel like I have my own space to do my thing without a million people needing me at all times. I love my family, but moving out was the next step I needed to really start focusing on myself.

"Lu this is your biggest game yet, why in the world wouldn't you want to get up?" I chuckled, accepting defeat as his grip tightened, pulling me back in towards him.

I rolled my eyes playfully, fully giving in as I lay back down on my side. Luke moved quickly to wrap his arms around my lower waist, pressing his bare chest into my back. He placed a few short kisses to my shoulder before resting his head on top of mine.

"Because," he finally started, "That means the season's over and I still haven't heard back from the league about playing with them for the summer," he mumbled quietly.

I frowned to myself before rolling over to face him, chest pressed against his as I cupped his cheek, "What coach would be dumb enough not to draft you after the season you've had? Apart from being benched for a while you killed it," I asked genuinely, not seeing any reason why he wouldn't be asked back.

His face went deadpan as he pressed his lips together.

"What?" I furrowed my eyebrows, removing my hand from his face as I awaited his response.

"Mark Irwin might be," was all he said as he turned onto his back, staring up at the ceiling

"Ashton's uncle?" I tried not to sound alarmed before sitting up, crossing my legs, "I thought he coached for Grayson's age group?"

"Apparently he wants to spend his last season coaching his very own nephew," Luke sighed, "The same nephew I literally fought during a game," he added as if it wasn't obvious.

"Shit," I whispered, a wave of sadness washing over me at the thought of Luke returning back home until next fall.

"Yeah," was all he could muster, staring blankly ahead before I added,

"How about we cross that bridge when we get there, yeah? Who knows, maybe you'll get asked back anyways," I encouraged, lacing my fingers with his.

Though I'm not entirely sure if I could believe the words coming out of my own mouth. According to Luke, he and Ashton sort of-not really-kind of made up a while back, but haven't really spoken again since. Who knows what Ash is really thinking, or if he's already told his uncle not to take on Luke.

     "Yeah, maybe," he nodded in agreement, but didn't sound totally convinced, "I can't believe this is it— I feel like time flew, I have no idea how tonight's the last game," he added, shaking his head in disbelief.

     "I know, can you believe we've already known each other for six months?" I asked, finally making my way off of my bed to get dressed.

     I pulled Luke's t-shirt I was currently using as a nightgown over my head, leaving me in my sports bra and underwear. I shuffled across the room to grab a towel, wrapping it around my body before turning back to Luke, still waiting for his response.

     His eyes were already glued to mine, lips parted slightly as I walked back up to him, "Luke?" I asked in a sing-song manner, teasing him playfully as I ruffled his hair, snapping him out of his thoughts.

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