part 7

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Wen clean..

Lan zhan comes to his room, where guan gyao was sleeping soundly, lan zhan close to guan gyao and kisses his on the forehead and Wakes him up.

Guan gyao gets up and asks lan zhan whats wen ning and is his baby fine ?

Lan zhan said : yes, they are both fine why don't you come to see them ?

Guan gyao angrily said : you left me worth enough to stand.

Lan zhan said : i am sorry,

Lan zhan reminds silent for some time, he start thinking someting.

Guan gyao asks lan zhan what happened, what are you thinking ?

Lan zhan said :I was wondering why you don't want us to have a baby ? I want us to have a baby too, so why don't you ?

Guan gyao said : because, i know once i have a baby i'll always have to take care of her and i never be able to be with you.

I know you are afraid of losing i betray you like him, but don't worry i love you very much.
I will nevre go anywere leaving you and will never cheat you like wei ying


Thanks for reading....

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