Chapter 13

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Gabh do shocair - take it easy (gav doe hock-ar)

Murt - damn/curses (moorsht)

Alba - Scotland (al-uh-puh)

Chapter 13

"I am sorry. I didn't realise you were a skin shifter and not Vargr when I saw you. You should be proud, not angry; I hit you with enough magic that you should still be bedbound. You're a strong wolf."

Astrid seemed smug at that fact, pressing a kiss to the tense shoulder of her mate. Farrin, however, didn't take the compliment. Moss green eyes narrowed at Vali, and his posture stiffened, as if he wanted to yank his hand free of the other male's. Thankfully, Vali stepped back with a flourish of his fingers, magic crackling around each digit. I found myself entranced, staring at the slowly fading sparks, and feeling a strange tugging in my gut as if something was drawn to the power in the air.

Vali gave me a slow curling smile. "I sense the magic in you like a tangled web. What else might break free from whatever kept it hidden from you as you grew?"

A shudder went up my spine. I didn't want what I was capable of now, nevermind anything else.

"Is that it? Farrin will feel better now?" I asked, ignoring further riddles.

"Indeed. It might take a day or two for his strength to return, but it will. As I explained, lingering magic will have drained him, mere mortals aren't made for our touch."

I wished that statement didn't bring a sense of foreboding. Most of the pack were 'mere mortals', including my own family.

Turning my attention away from my new shadow, I forced a smile onto my face for Astrid. "We'll take our leave. I'll see you for the evening meal."

"Of course. I look forward to seeing the pack react when Hati joins you."

I chuckled. "And you, Farrin, you should rest."

"I'll rest tonight like everyone else," he grumbled, standing slowly to herd Vali out of his den.

I grabbed Vali's arm and dragged him out the door, taking no offence at all when Farrin slammed it shut behind us. It was a surprise we hadn't been booted out when Vali had winked upon seeing Farrin again.

"You are incorrigible," I hissed, throwing his arm free of my grip. "I am amazed no one has taken your tongue."

Vali sniffed. "Quite often, I find you sound much like the gods, always so serious, no time for fun. For such a young little thing. . ." He cast me a look from the corner of his eye, brow furrowed in thought. "Maybe not so young, really."

Stopping short, I rounded on him with a growl. "What does that mean?"

"Did you know Sköll paid a visit to his Aunt's realm when he heard the dead whisper of a she-wolf appearing before Narfi? I heard he found someone. Someone who knew you by blood and name."

I swallowed, blocking the answer from being thought even while I heard myself ask the question, "Who?"

"A wolf from Alba, by the name of Mànas."

One second I was standing upright, and the next I felt the press of cold stone against my cheek. My vision swam, and shaking my head only made it worse as bile burned up the back of my throat.

"Sköll has no power over the dead, Eabha, there is no need to look so alarmed. He can not touch them. He can't hurt them. . .not physically anyway. . ."

I barely heard what he said. My mind whirred. What if it was Mànas who had been calling me all this time? But why would he be in Helheim and not Tir Na Nog? We'd always fallen into the ways of our mother's people over our father's. Why would Sköll even want to speak to Mànas? He would be more ignorant than I.

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