Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 Adoption

            Soon the blast door slammed down, and the regular lights shut off; the corridor quickly filled with the dim red glow of the emergency lights. N looked at Uzi with pity and equal disbelief to her own; he couldn't believe her father would shut her out like that. " In a way, it is my fault, though, huh? I could have made some excuse or let her escape instead. I..."

          N was conflicted; he was made by the company and was given a job to complete. On the other hand, it wasn't like he didn't have questions like why the company cared about one exoplanet out of dozens, why destroy all of the drones without assessing if they needed to in the first place, and so many more.

         Uzi also made good points, and it helped she was refreshing to talk to; she gave him a normal conversation, something he hadn't had in what felt like years. Back then, it was either V's complete ignorance of his existence or verbal/physical abuse on J's part. And now, despite what she had done for him, he'd nearly managed to kill her at every turn. N didn't register his teammates approaching him or what they said as he shook his head, narrowing his eyes." Don't worry, Uzi I...I won't let you get hurt like this anymore."

         "Helloooo! Earth to N, are you going to finish off that drone or what?" V growled, slightly annoyed at how the aforementioned boy seemingly ignored her praise of him. What surprised her and J was when N pulled back his wing and caught the drone in his arms. J rolled her eyelights, complaining to him, "Seriously N, what have I said about being merci..."

         She was cut off in shock at the darkened eyelights aimed at her; N was wearing a severe expression that just seemed disturbingly foreign to them, " isn't just me being merciful J" N took a few steps back while stuttering those words out, eyes darting to Uzi who had seemingly shut off at some point accepting whatever fate her father left her too.

       The helpless display tightened his eyelights, and the desire to butcher her father burned brighter in his servos but one step at a time. Finally, he turned all those feelings to pushing up his resolve and burying his stutter, continuing with, "I'm taking her back to the pod with me; you guys can finish up things here." While V scoffed at the relatively poor attempt to take charge of the situation, J sighed, " N you diluted moron, do you even hear yourself right now?" she took a few steps towards him, brandishing one of her claws out at Uzi "Just hand her over and, we can forget this...!"

       "No!" N yelled out, jumping back and kicking off the blast door, leaving an apparent dent in the metal while leaping over his teammates. Then, with eyelights narrowed, he looked at their surprised faces, "You're not taking her from me; I'm adopting her! If you want to argue, you can meet me in the po..po..pod!" He quickly bolted for the open air leaving his teammates utterly confused in the corridor.

       V sighed while nodding, looking down, "I can't believe that idiot; it's like he just wants to be decommissioned." she then looked at J, who had a hand clenched and was glaring in N's direction. Then, trying to redirect J's rage, V said, "Well, let's head into the colony and wipe them out then; we can deal with him, right J?" There was a moment of silence, and V crossed her arms, rolling her eyelights repeating, "Right J?"

       "No, we have to go after the useless bucket of bolts and ensure things get done by company policy." Despite the venom leaking from every word J spoke, she was just as impressed as she was ready to stick a virus injector on N. He had managed to say just the right thing to save himself and that drone brat he was seemingly attached to thinking, "Who would have thought that spineless wimp would have the guts to use the policies I love to hold over his head against me, clever N very clever."

Murderdrones: A Company "Adoption"Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang