OC Drone Teams List 1

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Author's note - Next, I'm going to work on the reaction fic and the second chapter of Daughter of Cyn

Team X, Y, and Z


Y Profile

Drone Line - Disassembly Drone/formerly Worker

Role -Squad Leader

Personality: Y is generally tired, partly because he is in charge of the biggest "misfits" within the Disassembly Drone lineup, X and Z. However, even when they're not a factor, he carries himself in an almost sleepy way that betrays the fact that he is incredibly skillful and is considered the most outstanding of the leaders. Despite what his attitude might say, he actually cares deeply for his teammates and doesn't mind their poor work ethics dragging them down to be one of the worst-performing squads.

Hair: A very plain look(I don't know how to describe it honestly)

Outfit: A black suit with a red tie

Remarkable Relationships:

D—he was notably close to his fellow squad leader, D, before her demise. Pending further details...


Profile X

X Profile

Species/Drone line - Disassembly Drone/Formerly Worker

Role - none

Personality: He's a childish, mischievous fellow who enjoys causing destruction and chaos. He especially loves tormenting, chasing, and scaring drones. Whether they are his own allies or prey, it's all fun and games to him.

Outfit: He wears a punkish outfit with a black leather jacket and a hockey mask, which he sometimes wears during chases. He keeps a fire axe on his back that he prefers to kill with over conventional weapons.

Hair: unkempt and slightly longer than other guy drones.

Remarkable Relationships: None to note


Profile Z

Z profile -

Species/Drone line - Disassembly Drone/Formerly Worker

Role -none

Personality: Z is generally described as delusional, using dated phrases, and seems to suffer from what some would describe as Chunibiyo. Because of this, she tends to look at others as below her, with very few exceptions. Obake-kun, the ghost doll she carries, wears an eyepatch that she claims, once removed, will unleash unimaginable chaos.

Outfit: A stylistic gothic dress, its skirt and sleeves end with transparent purple frills.

Hair: Her hair is darker than average, with yellow and purple highlights. It crawls all the way down to her back.

Remarkable Relationships: None to note


Team B, C, and D


D profile

Drone Line: Disassembly Drone/formerly Worker

Role: Squad Leader

Personality: She was incredibly kind, soft-spoken, and loving, even to her prey. D sometimes prayed during the hunt and whispered apologies as she fed on the workers despite how that behavior made her look in the eyes of her peers.

Hair: She had a long braided ponytail(That's the best I got, I'm sorry)

Outfit: Her outfit was a modified nun's habit to fit her without getting in the way of efficiently hunting and cleaning off oil.

Remarkable Relationships:

Y - She cared deeply for him and disliked how the other leaders looked down on him for being incredibly lax with his teammates.


B profile: FILE REDACTED +<File Corruption> = ADMIN CYN


C profile: FILE REDACTED +<File Corruption> = ADMIN CYN


Team A, E, and O

Profile A

Drone Line: Disassembly Drone/formerly Worker

Role: Squad Leader

Personality: A has a kid-like innocence, from drinking oil from cups with bendy straws to comparing hunting prey to playing games of tag. He is also very scattered-brained, forgetting things constantly.

Hair: Spiky bangs are the only visible hair under his winter cap. (Think of a brown and grey version of the hat Kyle from South Park wears.)

Outfit: He wears a brown and grey winter cap with what looks like a completely black colored school uniform.

Remarkable Relationships: None of note


Profile E

Drone Line: Disassembly Drone/formerly Worker

Unique Condition: Mute

Role: none

Personality: E is very expressive and friendly despite her condition. She uses her visor creatively to replace the fact that she can't use words. E is incredibly excited to meet Uzi and is knitting her a welcome present.

Hair: Straight hair goes down to the middle of her back, and one braid goes to the left side of her head.

Outfit: She wears a very Alice in Wonderland-like dress with a self-made bow in her hair.

Remarkable Relationships:

N - She is good friends with N and considers him her brother.


O profile

Drone Line: Disassembly Drone/ formerly Worker

Role: none

Personality: He might be the only average person among the Murder Drones. O is calm and collected, with a dry humor towards his comrade's chaotic personalities.

Hair: Bald

Outfit: A simple dark blue hoodie.

Remarkable Relationships: None to note


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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