Chapter 14 ~ Examinations

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- Fast forward to 5 months -

Kreek woke up, realizing its the day of their 2nd semester examination. Nervous, he got up from his bed, preparing himself. He ate, showered, dressed up, and arranged his stuff. He made sure he had a calculator, pens, rulers, and paper.

"God, I'm so nervous." He whispered to himself.

He locked his apartment doors, and walked, bringing an umbrella. Unfortunately for him, it was raining.

"Oh, good gracious." He muttered.

He stepped outside, seeing rain flood some drains. He walked to his school, noticing walking behind him.

"Tanqr!" He yelled.

"Oh, hey, Kreek!" Tanqr waved.

Tanqr ran towards him, walking with him.

"So, did you study?" Tanqr asked.

"Pfft, of course! This is literally 40% of our grade." Kreek

"Yeah, they should lower it down to 20%, 'cause thats too much." Tanqr laughed.

They walked to the entrance of their school. Tanqr waved back to some students, who were greeting him. Both of them folded their umbrellas, and kept it in their lockers.

"Woo, I'm so nervous." Kreek nervously laughed.

"Its fine, once you'll blink, its already over." Tanqr reassured him.

"Yeah, hopefully, I'll- Woah!-" Kreek tripped.

"Hey, watch where your walking at." Someone said, walking away.

Kreek flinched, trying to get up.

"Ugh, that was rude, he didn't even help you get up!" Kayla appeared.

Kayla helped Kreek get up, and hugged him.

"Tsk, talk about rude. Anyways, he looks new." Tanqr noticed.

"Oh, yeah! Tanqr, that's a new transfer student!" Kayla said.

"Oh? If he messes with me, I'll-" Kayla interrupted.

"Woah, woah, woah, he's just new here! Don't beat him up!" Kayla giggled.

"Whatever." Tanqr said.

Ring! The bell chimed. All the students immediately rushed to their classrooms, preparing for their examinations. Kreek, Kayla, and Tanqr rushed to their classroom. They sat at their seats, getting ready.

"Alright, students," Their adviser said.

"I'll hand out the papers, and make sure, you DO NOT cheat. Heard one of you silly students cheated last year." Their adviser announced.

Kreek looked around, and saw the students earlier, who bumped to him.

"Oh? He's in our class? Well, this is gonna be interesting." Kreek muttered.

Their adviser handed out their papers, and searched everywhere, making sure not a single student cheats.

"Alright, there are rules, of course. Number one, do not talk to your seatmates. Number two, do not distract your classmates. Number three, no cheating. And, number four, ask permission to go out. Got it?" Their adviser announced.

"Got it." The whole class replied.

Kreek gripped to the exam papers, tightly, obviously nervous.
Tanqr held a thumbs up, and whispered.

"You can do this." Tanqr smiled.

"You too." Kreek whispered.

Kayla looked back at her seat, and gave them both a thumbs up.

"Good luck!" Kayla said.

"Alright, you may begin with your examination in 3, 2, 1, go!" Their adviser informed.

All the students faced their paper, knowing they only have 1 hour to finish 4 papers.

"Alright, this seems easy." Kreek whispered, circling his answers.

"Easy." Tanqr muttered, circling his answers, too.

"Alright, I studied for this." Kayla mumbled, answering.

The whole class continued answering, keeping quiet to avoid distractions.

Time skip for 55 minutes

Later, Kreek stumbled upon a question, and noticed he was stuck.

The question was,

Question #100

Which of these expressions contain like terms? Encircle the letter of your chosen answer.

A. 2x + 3y
B. 3b x 3b²
C. xy + 2xy
D. m²n + n

Kreek panicked.

"Fuck! I totally forgot about like terms!" Kreek thought.

"But, I think C is the answer?" Kreek scratched his head.

Unsure, he encircled letter C. He answered right before the second the time ended.

"Alright, students! Hopefully, you did good! Pass on your papers to my desk!" Their adviser announced.

Kreek passed his paper to their adviser's desk, alongside with Kayla, and Tanqr.

Ring! The bell rang. They were only 1 hour, since the school wanted to let the students study more, and not make them exhausted.

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(Hii!! Sorry if this chapter was a bit basic, im still trying to plan more of this story, since it had a massive time skip. Speaking of time skips, sorry for the sudden HUGE time skip, yall prob were shocked by that. The reason is, bc the last current chapters were only on the 2nd-3rd days of their SCHOOL YEAR?? AND THEY WERE FRIGGIN 13 CHAPTERS??? gosh i mustve plot too much stories on those days- I promise I will do better- 🙇🙇🙇)

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