Chapter 4 ~ morning after

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Lucys pov:
I woke up the next morning with a strong pair of arms around my waist. "The hell?" I mumbled. I turned over and saw the last person I would expect to be in my bed with me. "TIM?!" I shouted. He jumped and sat up. "Well, good morning to you too." He said, rolling his eyes. He looked around the room and realised what had happened. His face went red. "Um. I'm gonna go shower, " I said, picking up my shirt as I walked towards the bathroom.

By the time I had finished with my shower, Tim was already in the kitchen, dressed making smoothies. "Do you want me to take you to see mini boot today?" He asked with his back to me. "If you wouldn't mind." I said sleepily. "Didn't get much sleep last night, huh?" Tim asked with a smirk. "Oh shut up," I said, giggling, throwing a t-shirt at him.

We arrived at the hospital and found out Harper had been moved out of the ICU. She was in a ward with other kids, I looked through the door, and she was laughing with another girl. I opened the door and went in. "MUMMY!" She squealed, trying to get up to run to me, but a nurse stopped her.

"Harper, hunny the wires remember?" The kind nurse said softly, holding out her hand. "Look hold this part of the machine and walk. See? Now you can walk to mummy!" She said, comforting Harper. Harper walked to me, and I bent down to give her a hug. "I missed you so much, mummy! Come meet my friend!" She said, dragging me by the arm. I looked back and saw Tim standing by the door. "And you to smiley man!" Harper said eagerly.

"This is Ava. My bestest friend here!" Harper said, hugging the young girl. The girl had even more tubes than Harper did and had so many wires coming out of her. She had a feeding tube and a cloth on her head. "Nice to meet you, Ava!" I said with a tear in my eye. She was so skinny and so young... "Hi!" Ava said cheerily, but you could tell she was tired. Me and tim got called out of the ward so the children could eat their lunch.

Later that day, around 8 p.m., the nurse came in and said it was time to start thinking about going to bed. I sat on Harpers bed, and she came and hugged me tightly. A couple walked into the room, and they went and said on a bed the opposite side of the room. "Come on, ava, it's bedtime," the woman said softly. Ava climbed onto the bed and hugged the woman.

I looked across at Tim. "You can go and get yourself some coffee from the cafeteria if you want you to look exhausted," I said quietly. "Ok, but I'm buying you one too." He insisted, standing up.

After Tim left, I looked at the woman hugging ava, and she was crying. "Are you ok?" I asked, worried. "Uh yeah. I'm fine - actually no. No. I'm not. Ava's got cancer... she's only 5." She said shakily. "Oh, I'm so sorry. She's really sweet, " I said with a small smile. "She's barely smiled since she's been in here. Apart from when she's playing with your daughter. She really loves Harper." The woman said gratefully. "There like best friends," I said, chuckiling.

I looked down at Harper. She was snoring softly. A nurse came in and said it was time to leave for the night and I could come back tomorrow after 5 because the children had a music session in the morning. I gave Harper a kiss on the head and left the ward. I made my way to the cafeteria and saw Tim coming out.

"Tim, we can go home now," I said with a smile.

The next morning:
(Lucy's at her apartment)

Lucys pov:
"Tamara, can you go see Harper today? She keeps asking for you, plus I'm going to be at work for most of the day." I said sleepily. "Yeah, of course." She replied, grabbing her bag.

I headed to work and got a lot of confused questions from the officers. I said there was a family emergency, and they left it alone. Nyla and Angela walked towards me and stood at either side of me walking at the same pace I was. "How's your mini me?" Nyla asked, worried. "Wait, how did you -" I asked, shocked. "Oh, come on. We're detectives, remember?" Angela said, rolling her eyes. "Plus, not many people have the surname 'chen' do they." Nyla said, smiling. "True." I said in defeat.

"She's doing good. Should be home in a few days, " I said, smiling. "I'm assuming Tamaras visiting her today?" Angela asked. "God, how much did you look into this?" I said laughing. "It was Nylas idea." Angela said point at nyla, at the same time nyla said "it was angelas idea" Pointing at Angela. "God you to are like toddlers." I said walking off rolling my eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2023 ⏰

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