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Full Name: Akane Hamato

Preferred Name: Akane

Nicknames: None

Gender: Female

Age: 13

Species: Human

Date of Birth: May 4th

Location of Birth: Tokoyo, Japan

Current Residence: New York City

Sexuality: Unknown (too young)

Occupation: Ninja-in-training

Appearance: Akane has long, black hair tied up in a ponytail, and dark brown eyes. She is of average height and has a lean build.

 She is of average height and has a lean build

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Hair color: Black

Eye color: Dark brown

Personality: Akane is a determined and focused individual who takes her training seriously. She is loyal to her family and friends and is always willing to lend a helping hand. She can be a bit impulsive and headstrong at times, but she tries her best to think before she acts.

Ethnicity: Japanese-American

Likes: Training, sushi, animals (all kinds of animals), spending time with her brother and the turtles, being with other girls, her uncle's wisdom, fairness, Mikey being a goofball, comforting others

Dislikes: Bullies, injustice, being underestimated because of her age and gender, boys having arguments or doing something crazy, animal abuse, her friends and family in danger, seeing others suffering

Fears: Losing her family or failing as a ninja. She's also known to be terrified of wildfires or any flame that is considered bad.

Flaws: Can be impulsive and stubborn at times.

Abilities: Akane is skilled in ninjutsu and is learning to master her weapons.

Strengths: Determined, focused, and loyal.

Weaknesses: Impulsive and headstrong at times.

Weapon(s): Twin katanas

Weapon(s): Twin katanas

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