The beach

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Third person POV:

The boys stood for around five minutes for Tommy to get his breath back. Dream would get the kid into shape, but, for now, he'll let Tommy be Tommy. 

"C'mon, Toms! Let's get walking!" Dream patted Tommy's back then started to move. 

"Wait up!" Tommy jogged to the side of him, ignoring the eye rolling and muttering from George and Sapnap. "Where are we going?"

Dream looked down to Tommy's height but continued the same pace. The boy had stars in his eyes, staring at dream in admiration. 

"Well, obviously, I'm not gonna mention the beach and then not go, am I?" Dream smiled as Tommy's mouth fell open and his eyes grew wider. 

"Really?!" He squealed, "For me?!" 

He couldn't believe it. Dream was taking him to the beach, just because? 

"Of course! Why wouldn't I?" Dream responded, ruffling Tommy's hair. 

"Thank you! Thank you, Dream!" Tommy said excitedly, hugging Dream from the side. He stopped walking and hugged Tommy back. 

"Anything for you, Toms, absolutely anything. There is nothing I wouldn't do for you, got that?" Dream whispered, face in Tommy's hair. The boy nodded in response and they carried on walking. 

George POV:

So, we escaped. Yay, I guess. However, I have no idea what's going on between Tommy and Dream. Tommy is constantly being comforted, and, yeah, that's good, but when Dream comforted me, or Sap, it always ended up being used against us. 

That doesn't seem like the case here. Dream seems to actually care. 

He has a genuine smile when the boy talks to him. He always hugs him. He always speaks softly towards him. He always defends him. He always checks if everything's okay with him. He walks home with him. He starts fights with people for him. 

All for nothing. For nothing at all. No harsh words. No "you owe me". No insults. Always violence, then check on Tommy. 

Does he actually care? Who am I kidding? It's Dream, of course he doesn't. 

But people can change, right? No, not Dream. He can't. 

But look at the way he looks at Tommy. Just look. 

I looked up to see Dream fondly smiling at Tommy as he excitedly asks where we are going. 

That's not fake, is it? That's real. He cares. 

No, no he doesn't. It's all a plan to get Tommy to do something. 

What could a fourteen year old do? 

Look at his hands! Look at the multiple people hospitalised! I swear, if the kid wasn't so nervous, he and Dream could team up and control anyone from pure fear alone. Although, Dream might manipulate someone along the way, for fun, obviously. 

Which just proves the point, Dream can't change. 

But he did. He cares about Tommy. Why would you think otherwise? Why would you accuse 𝘋𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘮 of anything bad? How dare you think negatively of him? After all he's done for you? You ungrateful, spitefu-


I looked up. Sapnap was staring at me. 


"You good?" He asked, before whispering, "You're crying."

I swear my heart stopped beating. Why was I crying? I absolutely fucking hated people seeing me cry, and here I am in public with tears streaming down my face. 

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