002. Hospital discoveries.

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season 5, episode 1.

For the first time in a decade Spencer Reid didn't know what to say

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For the first time in a decade Spencer Reid didn't know what to say.

"I'm his daughter."

Three words, normally he would be picking apart the individual letters in that sentence, looking at where she foolishly messed up and where he could catch her on her lie. But he couldn't. For some reason he believed her with everything in his body. He had this gut feeling to trust her with his life. Hotch's daughter. He didn't even know he had a daughter, she didn't look like him, he never talked about her.

Wait. Could she be the Alex he talked so proudly of? Since the first case he and Gideon had talked so fondly of one Alex. As far as he knew no-one had figured out who it was, but looking back at all the multiple times Morgan had complimented her even though he 'didn't know' her, he figured out that he obviously knew her.

"Holy shit!" Emily's voice shook him out of his thoughts, he looked up and saw Alexandria with a big proud smile on her face when she let her eyes glide over their shocked faces. "I see he didn't tell you about me huh? That kinds stings." she shot back with a teasing grin on her beautiful face. Beautiful? Snap out of it Spencer.

"But you don't look anything like him?" the words fell out of his mouth before he could stop them. Alexandria turned to him with a small smile, self-pity floating around in her eyes as she answered his question, "He adopted me when I was nine, but I chose to keep my own name, there's enough Hotchners already." Five laughs could be heard as she finished her sentence with a joke.

Spencer started spitting out apologies as he was afraid he had insulted her. Alex cut him off with a melodic laugh, "It's okay Reid, honest. You didn't know and you were curious, I get it." She smiled at him and Spencer swore his heart stopped right there and then. "Spencer. Call me Spencer." "Only if you call me Alex." She looked at him with a teasing smile, it broadening when she saw the small redness of his cheeks.

"Agents, he's waking up. Remember he's weak. Don't push him." Their small moment was cut off by the doctor walking back to the group, who had found their place just outside of Hotchs room, not too far, but not too claustrophobicly close.

Alexandria was the first to enter his room, followed closely by Emily who had taken
his day-planner into her hands. Alex couldn't help but feal dread as she stood over her father. She had never seen him look so weak. "Where am I?" Rossi answered. "You're in the hospital."

"How did I get here?" This time Derek answered. "Foyet drove you." Making her presence known Alex asked the question everyone wanted an answer to. "Can you remember what happened?" Hearing the voice Aaron turned his hand to grab hers and let out a small smile.

"What did he take?" "What do you mean?" "The reaper, he always takes something from his victims. Do we know what he took?" Being the one who found the scene Emily answered. "There were two pages missing from your day planner. The "B's" and the "K's" in the address section." Breathing heavily Aaron asked, "What did he leave?" "I don't know." "He also leaves something with his victims." "I looked over your whole apartment, nothing felt out of place." Emily answered.

"Where are my clothes?" "Easy Dad, we've got them right here." Emily grabbed the plastic bag his personal items were in and emptied it upon the bed. Alex took a hold of his wallet. Slightly leaning over her father so he could see what was inside she opened it.

Two pictures fell out. One with Jack and Haley. "Is that me?" And one of her. Taken outside her apartment she wasn't aware this had ever been taken. Throwing his head back gently Aaron breathed out, "Haley's maiden name is Brooks, I always listed her in the "B's" in my personal information in case it fell into the wrong hands. For that same reason I kept Alex's address in the "K" section."

"He knows where they live." Fuck me. "What have you been up to dad?" Alex sarcastically let out, hoping to mask the fear she felt. "First day back and this is how I'm greeted." Aaron took a hold of her hand once more.

"Go, I'll stay here with my dad." "Be safe Alex." With a kiss on the forehead from Derek the team — minus Spencer — left the hospital to track down Haley. Helping her father sit up Alex placed herself in the chair next to his bed. "What happened to your knee Reid?" Spencer's head shot up when he was addressed and he sputtered out a response. "I uh, I was shot in the knee." "Yeah we can see that." "Alex."

Rolling her eyes she spoke a soft sorry and asked Spencer if he needed anything. "Do you need me to get you anything? Seeing as you can't walk and all that." "No, no I'm good. Thank you though." "Yeah okay, how do you take your coffee?" Alex asked him, not believing him for a split second as he lied his ass off. "Five sugars." A smile broke out on Alex's face, "Five? Holy hell do you want coffee with that sugar or?" Softly rolling his eyes Spencer answered with, "You're not original, that joke has been made six times already."

Raising an eyebrow Hotch interjected before Alex could answer, "And still you get offended every time." Letting out soft chuckles Alex ended their playful banter and got up from the  surprisingly comfortable chair. "Well I'll be right back, one black coffee and one sugar with coffee coming right up!" Smiling at his daughter Aaron settled his eyes onto Spencer, seeing the boy softly smiling down at his lap. "Don't break her heart." Startled by the order Spencer's eyes shot up from his fidgeting hands and met the eyes of Hotch.

"Excuse me?" "I see the way you look at her, don't break her heart." Choking on nothing Spencer replied with, "I just met her today! I'm not in love with her. She is beautiful, and  smart, and has an amazing sense of humour, but I'm not in love with her!" By the time the boy-genius ended his rant his eyes were wide and his hands that had been telling the story with him were open right next to his face.
Hotch just looked at him unimpressed.

finished my final test week ! hopefully it all went well but knowing me I fucked up everything except english 😭
( 1132 words )

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